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So, this Fic takes place after the event of the last Jedi/The Rise of Skywalker. TROS has an interesting place within the Star Wars fandom. Personally, I am just really mad with how they treated Hux as a character and did not agree with how he was killed. Also, I kind of was sad that they redeemed Ben Solo, then killed him off. Anyway, I digress. Snoke is dead, Kylo is kind of unstable but get help form the person he finds (no spoilers). And Hux has lots of issues, but when does he not. I prefer to write some of the softer sides in their relationship and I there will defiantly be cannon divergence, but I have done extensive research on the character's backstory's and just how the Star Wars universe works as a whole. I also just want to write them as a regular couple going through the madness of controlling the Galaxy. (There will be no smut in the fic, I personally don't feel comfortable writing that but there are defiantly hints to it but there will be NO smut.) Anyway, hope you enjoy. (;

Like most days on the Finalizer, it was quiet, only the occasional comm to keep status on the passing ships. Kylo had been sitting on their bed, Millicent in his arms, watching his fiancé write reports and yell at incompetent people. The First Order had recently tried to progress into the Outer Rims, but the core planets wouldn't have it. Of course, the Resistance had something to do with that, they had bombed a First Order shelter on one of the Outer Rim planets. Half their soldiers were dead and there would be more dead every hour. Hux had forbidden anyone going down to the surface in fear of losing anyone else.

"Can you tell your mother to stop bombing our facilities for at least a couple of cycles."

Ren shifted, turning over to Hux who still had his face stuck in the Holo Pad.

"Of course my Grand Marshal, why don't I just go down there and tell her that I'm sorry for all the terrible things I've done while I'm at it."

There was a playful tone in his voice, but little by little reality had sunk its teeth into his skin and he knew he would never be able to do that, even though some tiny part of him wanted to.

Hux had turned around, looking away from his Holo Pad to see Kylo deep in thought, holding Millicent like a baby. Hux rubbed his eyes and stood up to shift over to Kylo. He noticed this and moved over for his fiancé to sit next to him. They rarely got this close during work hours due to their busy schedules. Hux had been busying himself all week with reports and communication lines, he and Kylo never got time alone.

Hux shifted to rest his head on Kylo's shoulder, looking down at Millicent who seemed content enough to just lay there.

"Still amazes me that she's so calm around you. I would argue that she tammed you."

Kylo only continued to just stare off into space. Hux had been concerned about him, as of late. He had been more distant the past couple of weeks. Hux hadn't been able to get Kylo to open up and it only made him more concerened each time.


Kylo jumped and turn to him, letting Millicent pad off of him. He only stared back at hux in reponse.

"Talk to me Kylo. Is it about the recent attack? The Order is still very well equiped and the Resistance-"

Kylo quikly turned Hux around, pinning him to the bed. They were both stressed and overworked, Kylo could still see the concerned expression on Hux's face, but it sofened with each passing second.

"Oh, my Grand Marshal are you worried about me? Just getting lost in my own head is all."

Hux smirked up at him, pecking kylo on the lips. 

"Is there any way I could get you out of your head?"

Kylo smirked back at him, knowing what was going to happen next.

"I have a few Ideas."

- Who's The More Foolish -The Fool, Or The Fool Who Follows Him? - Master Obi-Wan Kenobi

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