Chapter 4

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Maratelle had always been a good cook.

Hux remembered nights she would make something for herself when Brendol was out of the house; he would always sneak down eat whatever was left over. How oddly the house smelled like a home, if young Armitage even knew what home was. Although when they walked out into the kitchen watching Maratelle trying to show Amidala how to bake, he couldn't help but smile.

Kylo was practically carrying Hux when they walked out, sitting down at the small table. Hux looked over to them again, watching Maratelle actually smiling. Maybe he should have come back sooner.

"So, it seems we have another cook in the family."

Amidala looked back to dramatically roll her eyes at them. It seemed that she had grown quite fond of Maratelle. Hux just hoped that Maratelle hadn't let her mouth run loose like it always did. She was too young to know about certain things.

They all sat down together at the table, Millicent purring and walking around their legs. It was odd to have a moment of peace together with all of them. Hux looked over to Kylo, who seemed to be contemplating something.

"How long have you been here?"

Hux knew Kylo could just look into her mind and take the information but for some reason he didn't. Kylo was trying to start a conversation, trying to make it as normal of a circumstance as this could be.

"I've been here since your fiancé and his father left. I sometimes go to the market, of course I have work but it's more of a trip for a couple of months. I am not on the Republic's good side because of my ties to Brendol and the First Order but when did that ever stop me. Anyway, this is my home now."

Hux watched as Amidala shot up, looking over to Maratelle. She had that look, the look of an idea, and now was not really the time for spontaneous ideas.

"So.....does that mean there's a Depo near here?"

"Yes, I have some fuel left over and stored away so I usually don't travel there much but it is about a mile North."

Hux knew where she was going with this. It was too soon, but Hux knew she was silently worrying. He looked over to Kylo who seemed to pick up on it too.

"Dad, we can refuel the Silencer at the Depo, we can leave here and regroup with Phasma and Mitika and the rest of the Order. Then we can kill Palpatine and then the Resistance and-"

Kylo cut in before she could continue.

"Amidala, slow down ok. We are staying here; we can't go back yet. We can't, I don't know where Palpatine is or what his plan is. We just have to stay here and wait it out."

"Wait it out, we can't just wait it out!"

Hux knew Kylo was about to lose it. His hand was squeezing his thigh like Kylo was trying to ground himself.

"I, we have to protect you, we can't just go out there!"

"But the Order, Mitika, Phasma-"

"Phasma's dead!"

Kylo regretted it the second it came out of this mouth. But she pushed him, she was bound to learn eventually. Although, it made Kylo feel even worse when he felt Hux tense. His mind is going a thousand miles a minute. Then looking at his daughter, who seemed like something inside her broke.

"When were you going to tell me? When were you!"

She hadn't screemed at them in a long time, but something was taking over her mind. She closed her eyes, trying to center her mind but it was too much.

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