Chapter 5

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Kylo never thought he would ever have to talk about this.

"I'm sorry, run this Plan of yours over my head again, you want to do what!"

They were still in Medical, Kylo had been treated and given Bacta Patches to help ease the joint pain. They were stationed in a room next to the where the child was staying.

"I want to train her; she can be even more powerful if she is properly trained. The Force is strong with her, if I could teach her how to harness it and control it then-"

"Kylo she is a child slave; she was meant to be killed and forgotten like all the others."

They had recently found out through the file that she was a child slave, forced to work with her mother only at the young age of six. She had no name, and from what Hux could find, her parents had been killed. She had no existing family.

"I didn't take you for one to just let the helpless die, Hux, this could help us win the war."

Hux stood up off his seat, now pacing around the room.

"This child is not some weapon for you to use Kylo, who did you think was going to raise her? Us?"

Kylo shifted, seeming to give Hux all the information he needed.

"No, no Kylo are you crazy, we are not the best example of parents and might I remind you how great our parents were! I mean honestly Kylo; we both killed our fathers and our mothers aren't the greatest examples of what a parent should be. What makes you think it will be any different?"

Hux, seeming to run out of energy, sat down on the cold marble floor and put his knees up to his chest.

They were both silent, seeming to take in each other's words.

Kylo didn't know what to say. Hux was right, the chance that they could actually raise this child was going to be difficult but Kylo wanted it badly. He wanted it to work.

"You know the scary part is Kylo, it's that I would love to be a father. I have wanted that domestic bliss since I can remember but we can't, we are in a war Kylo, war can change people, especially if you grow up in one; we both know what that is like."

Hux sighed, standing up from his place on the floor to move over to Kylo, sitting down next to him and carding his fingers through his hair.

"If we do this, I need you to promise me that we do it together, that we would do anything for this child and we don't become our parents. That you will not push her to her limits as how snoke did to you. This process is going to need patience, but I am willing to try if you are with me.  I love you Kylo, and I want a family with you."

Kylo turned over to kiss Hux, sighing into the familiarity of it. Kylo pulled back smiling and looking at Hux like he was the only thing in the world.

"I love you too."

They both sighed, knowing what they would get themselves into; it was now or never.

"I guess it's time to go meet our daughter, yes."

"I think it is."

Hux helped Kylo off the bed and led him over to the door. He was still in his clothes from the trip the cycle before but it didn't matter.

"Oh, wait, you said she doesn't have a name right, what should we name her?"

"What? Oh yes well, do you have any ideas?"

Kylo smiled, seeming to already have the answer.

"I might have an  idea."

- "To die for one's people is a great sacrifice. To live for one's people, an even greater sacrifice. I choose to live for my people." — Riyo Chuchi (Clone Wars Season 1, Episode 15)

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