Chapter 7

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Kylo never thought he would have the honor of teaching, once again.

It was early, or early for Kylo at least. He knew Hux was already up, hearing fast movement through the room. He opened his eyes to see Hux shrugging on his black gloves. He was wearing his white uniform today. Kylo remembered the first time seeing Hux put it on. His light to balance out his darkness.

Hux looked over to see Kylo staring at him, eyes still drooping and his body protesting to actually wake up. Kylo was not a morning person as much as Hux tried. If he even dared to schedule a meeting before eleven that Kylo needed to attend, he would definitely hear about.

Hux sighed moving over to the bed, Kylo noticed this and moved himself over so Hux had room to sit on the bed.

"Did I wake you up?"

Kylo avoided the question because, yes Hux did wake him up, but he wouldn't had seen his fiancé in his nicest uniform.

"You're wearing the one I like?"

"Yes, well I truly thought you wouldn't be up to see me leave; I was going to surprise you later but I'm glad you are awake."

That smile, that small truly genuine smile that only Kylo got to see. Hux was never one to fully smile, or be "happy" for that matter, but it was small moments like this that Hux let his guard down just enough so Kylo could see him.

"Is Amidala awake?"

"No but you both should probably start now. I'll make sure no one bothers either of you."

Hux stood up off the bed, straightening out his uniform, moving to the door. Kylo sat up still in his tank top and boxers, standing up off the bed and moved over to Hux right near the door.


"Yes, Grand Marshal?"

Hux rolled his eyes, he would never admit it but he loved hearing his full title. He had earned it after all.

"Don't push Amidala to her limit. We have plenty of time to teach her, she is only six. You were eight if I remember correctly. Just, be careful, and if you need me, I'll be on the bridge. I love you."

Before Kylo could say anything Hux already slipped out the door.

It would be fine. Kylo had this completely under control. It wasn't like he was training the powerful force user.

He was training the most powerful Force user.

He had never experienced anything like it. She had more sense of the Force than Kylo has now. Rey was stronger than him but Amidala was something else. She was stronger than both of them combined. She would only grow stronger with years.

She had all the components to be a powerful Force user; it was just that she didn't know how to use it properly. She clearly didn't know how to fight; she was only six.

He could sense her frustration; they had been at this for a couple hours now.

"Ok Amidala were going to try meditating, could you try that with me.

She sighed; following Kylo to sit down on the floor. Kylo could tell this was draining her and her mind would wander more and more throughout the session. He only needed a little more time.

"Ok, just center your mind, feel the force around you, how you can feel it in everything. How it connects us with others that we have never even met. It flows through us, but we must be willing to let it in."

They both sat there in silence, Kylo truly mastering full meditation while Amidala struggled to keep her mind in one place.

All Kylo felt moments later were hands on his face, fingers moving across his scar. He panicked, opening his eyes to see Amidala standing right Infront of him. He backed away out of habit, now seeing that Amidala was on the brink of crying.

"I, I'm sorry I didn't mean to, don't hit me, I won't do it again, please don't be mad."

Kylo moved slowly closer to her, trying not to scare her any more than he had.

"Hey, it's ok, I'm not mad, just a little startled. It's ok Amidala, just talk to me."

Seeming to now have Amidala calm down, Kylo picked her up and moved them to the corner of the Gym where it was a little darker.

He sat down still holding Amidala in his arms. He scanned her thoughts after a couple of minutes, trying to understand what she was doing.

He saw the Scavenger, him bleeding out on the white snow of Starkiller Base, Hux looking for him, Finn laying on the ground and Chewbacca shooting him. He didn't know how it was possible that she could read those events from just the scar. 

He didn't quite understand it. there was something else there, in the Force. As if she had gone back to that day on Starkiller. She was curious, but she didn't have the full story.

"The Scavenger did this to me, did you know that? She was a coward; she could have joined the First Order but she refused. Do you want to hear the story?

Amidala turned into Kylo's chest, seeming to give Kylo a silent "yes".

He remembered it like it was yesterday.

-"The Force is not a power you have. It's not about lifting rocks. It's the energy between all things, a tension, a balance, that binds the universe together." -  Luke Skywalker (The Last Jedi)

I just wanted to add this picture. The first time I saw it I fell in love. Hux totally should have had this outfit in the Last Jedi/Rise of Skywalker, just saying.  Art is by (you son-of-a-bitch) on Tumblr. Please go check out their work, their Kylux art is the one thing I never knew I needed.

 Please go check out their work, their Kylux art is the one thing I never knew I needed

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