Chapter 14 (End of Part 1)

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Something was wrong.

Kylo could sense something. He hadn't been able to sleep since Hux had gone to be on the Bridge. Amidala hadn't left her room either.

He didn't know why Amidala brought up Palpatine. He could have sensed it in her mind. He had been having dreams lately of Rey and Amidala fighting something, someone? It didn't make any sense. There was something different within the Force like something had been unleashed. Rey would have contacted him though, right? He hadn't seen her since Crait but they were still bonded, Amidala couldn't have known anything unless-

Before Kylo could finish his thought, his comm Link buzzed on the nightstand next to their bed. Kylo sighed, it wasn't like he was going to get any sleep anyway.

It was Hux

"Kylo, I need you on the Bridge, I can't explain everything right now but....."

There was muffled chatter Kylo couldn't quite make out, there were a lot of people talking over one another. Something was wrong.


"Yes sorry, just wake Amidala up and both of you come to the bridge as fast as you can. We have company."

The Comm Link was disconnected. Kylo had never heard Hux so anxious, was it Resistance? Neither side were nowhere near prepared for a Fight at the moment. None of this made sense.

Kylo woke Amidala up, which she was not happy about, but they got dressed and made their way to the bridge to where Hux was, and a whole lot of other people. Mitaka and Phasma were talking to Hux while Skeleton Crew were running around like there was nothing else to do. Though when Kylo stepped into view everyone got quiet, directing their attention to them.

"Supreme Leader, our scanners are picking up interference in our sector."

"Are they Resistance?"

Officer Unamo, one of Hux's most trusted, looked up from her console, seeming confident in her analysis.

"They are not Resistance Sir; they are coming up as Imperial Star Destroyers."

Kylo looked to Hux who seemed to be deep in thought.

"Have we tried to make contact with them, they could be disguised as Resistance or a Bounty Hunter using Imperial codes?"

"No sir, most of what we are reading comes up from the Imperial Era. It would be very odd if it was Resistance, we won't be able to make contact until they breach Hyper Space."

Kylo moved to Hux again, trying to gauge where he was. This couldn't have to do with-


Kylo and Hux both turned to Amidala who looked as if she'd seen a ghost or something worse.

Kylo knelt down to Amidala, putting his hands on her face. She was trying to say something, but the words weren't coming out.

"Amidala what's wrong, talk to me, please."

The whole bridge went quiet again. It wasn't just her; they could feel a presence unlike anything they had ever felt before.

"Amidala please what-"

"He's here. He said........he said he's going to kill us."

Kylo looked to the space in front of the Bridge to see 3 Imperial ships and they were heading straight for the Finalizer.

Hux shot up into General mode and looked over to see exactly what they had seen on the scanners.

"Lieutenant Mitaka, you will alert all our sister ships of this advance, we will be making the jump to Jakku. I want everyone off this blasted ship in the next 15 minutes. Kylo, you and Phasma will help with evacuation, the Skeleton Crew will stay with me. The Order will remain Strong, and we will not fall to these-"

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