Chapter 16

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Kylo knocked on his mother's office door. Hux was standing next to him with his arms crossed. He was already expecting this conversation to go up in flames.

Leia opened the door, smiling when her eyes laid on her son, then returned to her neutral expression when her eyes moved to Hux.

"Is there something I can help you with gentlemen?"

Kylo motioned if they could talk inside, so she nodded, letting them in. They sat down in the two chairs in front of her desk. Kylo really didn't want to make this hard for her, but his daughter safety was the utmost importance.

"We wish to talk about the plan with Palpatine. Amidala will turn ten in a couple of cycles, so we wish to handle him before then. All we want is for her to be safe."

Leia sighed, moving some things around her desk.

"I know Palpatine is on Exegol. I can sense his presence through the Force. He will stop but nothing until he has her. Rey has brought up an idea though."

Leia became quiet after that. Kylo didn't like it. There wasn't something she wasn't telling them.

"Rey.......she wants to take her to Ach-To. Amidala would be safer there than here or with you. Rey could take her, and she could stay there until she was old enough or Palpatine died somehow."

Kylo and Hux both looked at each other. Kylo stood up and spoke for both of them.

"No, I will not send her away. Uncle Luke died there. I can't, she can't-"

"Ben, she's not safe here or on some Star Destroyer. She's not safe with both of you. Palpatine was Snoke, yes? This has been his plan from the beginning. You need to think about if you're doing this for her, or if you're doing this for yourself."

Kylo felt Hux stand up and start yelling back at his mother, but he drowned it all out. It wasn't right, she didn't mean that. He swore to protect her, but he couldn't just send her away. He felt like everything was going wrong. This was on him. From the moment he killed those Jedi at Luke's temple to now, with his daughter.

Kylo didn't even notice Hux storming out of the room. He didn't get an easy out, no. They needed to talk about this.

Without saying anything else to Leia, he ran out after Hux.

 Kylo caught up with him and grabbed his hand. When Hux turned around, he looked like he wanted to smash Kylo's head against the wall.

"Why didn't you try to say anything in there, hmm? Honestly, I thought you were actually agreeing with her!"

Kylo's silence made Hux stop in his place, turning back to him. Kylo could see the exact moment his heart broke.

" can't be serious, tell me you're not serious."

"What if she's right? If she's with us, she's not safe. This is on me, not her."

Kylo for a second thought Hux would actually take a moment to process what he said but no, he felt his lover rip his hand out of his grasp and start to walk away.

"Armitage please I-"

Hux turned around, looking right at Kylo. As much as he loved that man, Hux really felt like part of him didn't even know Kylo. Maybe this was all a mistake.

"No, you don't want to save us, you just want to push us away. Not have it be your problem. Now that you have your mother back, I guess we can just wait here while you become a hero. You promised, you promised we would do this together."

With that, Hux left him standing out in the open base. Kylo decided to let him go. He needed to go get Rey and Amidala before Rey decided to take action upon herself. He really didn't want to fight her again.

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