Part 1 recap

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Before I get into it, I just wanted to thank you guys so much for all the support on this Fic. I honestly was expecting 50 or maybe even 75 views, but in little over a month the Fic has reached more than 200 views! Honestly, I know my writing could be worked on, but this story is so special to me, and I am always putting in 110%. So, thank you guys soooooooo much. It honestly makes my day to see people interact with the Fic and it keeps me motivated. Next chapter is already written so it should be out in a couple of days don't worry. Luv you all.

Wow this Fic has been awesome to write. Don't worry part two will continue where we left off, I just wanted to do a quick recap of everything that has happened and maybe answer questions. (If there are any.) As I said, please feel free to leave comments on anything, I would really enjoy reading them so don't feel like you can't comment. This Fic started from an idea while seeing some fanart of Kylo and Rey having a daughter and I thought about it, and I said to myself. "That's awesome, but how do I turn it into Kylux '' and yeah here we are. (I love Reylo by the way so don't come for me, I just like Kylux more.) I really wanted them to adopt and sort of acquire a child that way. I also had some thoughts about a Bacta tank baby but honestly, I feel like I wouldn't do it justice and it would lack in the emotion department. (Also, Mpreg makes me uncomfortable so that was an automatic no.) So, after I decided I wanted them to adopt, I really worked on my research and backstories for the characters. Of course, there is canon divergence in this Fic but when it came to Kylo and Hux, I really wanted them to still have their traumatic backstories and have that incorporated into the story. I really wanted Hux to struggle with being a father because of how Brendol treated him. Kylo wants to train Amidala but doesn't want to become like Snoke or Luke. Of course, they are a little lighter than they are preserved in the movies, but the movies are through the eyes of the Resistance, not the First Order. Also, Character development.


For Kylo I really wanted a sense of new beginning mixed with struggle. Kylo finally has the opportunity to train someone, but he has all this pressure of not messing it up. I think there is also the fear of losing her to Rey or Leia. Kylo in the Fic used the term Force User and not the usual terms Jedi and Sith. Kylo hasn't ever had a choice to choose what he wanted to be, and I don't think Kylo wants to put that much pressure on her. Even if it is not what he wants in the long run, he will accept her, and I think that's really special. Kylo's relationship with Hux is really something beautiful too. Both of them trying to raise an Heir and the struggles of that kind of put them in the same boat. Now it wouldn't be Kylux if they refused to communicate so I definitely sprinkled some of that in there. Kylo doesn't want to make Amidala or Hux worry. Now of course if you read the last couple chapters, that ultimately causes more conflict because they are not warned and ultimately, they lose the Finalizer. I think Kylo is honestly scared for the first time in his life because he has something to lose. I think Kylo is a lot more controlled after the events of The Last Jedi because Snoke and Luke are dead. He isn't being held back and I would like to think he has created some form of peace. Of course, he is still haunted by his father, not wanting to make the same mistakes but he sometimes does feel like he is Han Solo's son. Like when he's teaching Amidala how to pilot the Silencer, or when they come across Smuggler Ships and Kylo knows of "the special compartment" and always finds something there. He really is trying to come to terms that he has a destiny, and it does have to do with his family. Leia is still alive and now she has a Granddaughter so who knows what will happen? (I know, because I'm writing it lol, don't worry).


Ok so I'm going to be real with you guys, it was lazy writing. Honestly, I really need to introduce an antagonist before chapter 12 and the only one that worked was Palpatine. Now I'm not a multimillion-dollar company with fans ranging from 10 to 90 so I gave myself this one. I thought about introducing the Knights of Ren but honestly, I see them as Kylo's Brother/Sisters, and I don't really see them as the main threat. I am not very familiar with the Knights of Ren so I would have had to do a lot of research that I wasn't really looking forward to it. They might appear in a later chapter, but I have no plans for them as of late. So anyway, Palpatine is the same of how he was in Rise of Skywalkers, I might try to flesh him out in some way but no guarantees. I really want to focus on the main cast and then deal with Palpatine if I have to.


Yaaayyy my favorite character, let's go. Ok so I really wanted to do Hux justice in this Fic. He definitely is struggling the first half of part 1 with coming to terms of being a father. He definitely teaches her all he knows and makes sure she is taught in close combat by Phasma, but they still don't have that closeness like Amidala does with Kylo. I think Hux and Amidala play off of each other really well because they both really have trust issues; they both were brought up from nothing and were told that they were nothing but that changed because of the Order. I really wanted that one sense with Amidala trusting Hux and letting him in. when she finally called him Dad, I really felt like that was when they all kind of became a true family. I didn't put it in but in the Phasma chapter, but I wanted Phasma and Hux to have an argument about Hux not being able to let go of the past and that he was being held back by Brendol. Because Amidala had not opened up to him, he definitely had doubts that he wasn't good enough or he would always turn out like his father.  Honestly though Hux is such a mama bear. I mean he cooks, protects her at all costs and really just teaches her about everything so she can lead in his absence. Hux's story will really progress in part 2 and I have a lot of exiting things planned. (And yes, it was intentional to make his birthmother a Kenobi). I just love Hux so much and want him to be happy, but he did want to marry into the Skywalker bloodline sooooooo, you know what happens when you marry a Skywalker. (Padme, Han Solo) Just Saying.


So, for Amidala it was really difficult to write her dialogue. I wanted to import a lot of Kylo and Hux traits into her character. The main thing I just did a terrible job at conveying was her age. I wanted her young because when they found her Kylo was 30 and Hux was 32. But when I got into more of the story, I realized that if she was going to start fighting and having actual dialogue with character's, she was going to need to be a little older. So as of Chapter 14, she is 9 going on 10. Kylo is 36 and Hux is 38. Not too old because of the Last Jedi/Rise of Skywalker timeline but, gotta do what you gotta do. Amidala was really special to me because I wanted to give Hux and Kylo someone to fight for and have a connection with besides each other. For her character, I wanted her to be very protective of her Father's legacy. She is very smart and cunning like Hux, but is also very overconfident, immature, and definitely part Solo. She loves models of Starships and different vehicles which kind of stemmed from me. I have a lot of Funko Pops and a lot of Lego Star Wars sets so I was trying to think of a hobby that could be something a kid would like, but also something that tied into Kylo and Hux both being interested in engineering and fixing things. I wanted to keep her appearance, kind of unknown because I want people to perceive her in their own way. But I thought of something at 3 A.M and was like Hell yes. Sabrina Carpenter as Amidala. Honestly if you look at Adam Driver and Domhnall Gleeson, I can see Sabrina as their daughter. Not that it matters because she's adopted but I just thought if I was casting anyone, Sabrina could really bring Amidala's spunkiness and collectiveness so well. (If you guys have watched Girl Meets World, Sabrina played Maya and she kind of embodies Amidala so that's where I really got the idea). Amidala will defiantly grow in part 2, I think she has a lot to learn and is way over her head, but she will literally do anything for her family so, stay tuned.

Again, I want to thank you guys so much for the support. These character's mean so much to me and I am really putting everything into this fic. Part 2 will start out strong I promise you. Here's the picture of all 3 of them, just to kind of visualize.

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May The Force Be With You.

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