Chapter 3

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She was gone.

From the window of the ship all he could see was fire and smoke where the old Academy used to be. He wanted to be sad, but all he felt was numb. The fear of not knowing what Brendol was going to do with him.

Brendol didn't tell him anything, only shoving him into a Cabin that Armitage had never seen. The house was filled with guns and knives; antiques that looked to be over a century. There was a woman there too, but she did not look like she was going to be his friend.

He stayed in his room that night. Hearing Brendol and the woman yelling at each other. Armitage was prepared for Brendol to come in and take it out on him. Listening for his father's loud footsteps but they never came.

They stayed there for several weeks. Every day the house increased its supply of Alcohol. Armitage only got in the way a couple of times but after those instances it was safer to stay in his room and starve himself until they passed out and he could sneak down to the kitchen to get some food.

Maratelle never stood up to Brendol though, and young Armitage never understood why. Why he was always the one to get a beating while she sipped her fine wine. He didn't get it back then, only the bastard son of a Kitchen woman, but he understood now. She was weak, she was scared, putting on an act to save herself from the same abuse he got.

It was all in the past now, he was better, stronger, alive.

"This place just brings back the memories, you know how that is."

Kylo did know how it felt. just the tiniest object could bring back a whole flow of memories better left untouched.

"How old were you?"

Hux turned his head back to Kylo, squeezing his hand to let him know that it was ok.

"I was six, almost seven."

"So, she knew about Brielle?"

"Well, when your husband comes home with a child after five years; that looks just like him but with different eyes, I think she drew the conclusion herself."

"So, she hated him."

Hux loved it when he knew Kylo was trying to wrap his head around everything. How much he wanted to understand.

"Maratelle hated everyone, but she was scared. If she knew the circumstance my mother was in, I don't think she would have blamed me or Brielle."

"Your mother, Brielle, did you know she was a Kenobi?"

Hux reached into his Jacket pocket and took out small disk that displayed a blurry, blue hologram of a woman in kitchen garbs. It was a small holo-image, kylo was only able to mak out her long brown hair, and her lips; which were most notably, just like Hux's.

"No, she only went by her first name. No one knew it for except maybe her, but she never told me. I'm guessing you knew though, Snoke-"

"No Hux I, it's not like that. You know I would have said something if I knew for sure, I-"

"Kylo I am not mad or accusing you of anything, I wondered if there was a reason Snoke kept me alive for so long. It doesn't matter anyway, she's gone, It's all in the past."

"She died to protect you, she-"

"She died trying to protect me, Brendol shot her right in front of me, right as we got on the ship to leave. My father said he granted her mercy, teaching me a lesson in the process. I remember feeling nothing. I wanted to be angry but in some sick way I felt nothing. I couldn't stop it from happening."

Kylo was silent after that. Hux had never told him that she died that way. When Amidala had asked about her and why she was gone, Hux had only told her that she passed away peacefully in her sleep. She had never asked about it again but after learning of Kylo's side of the family, she didn't want to.

Hux was noticing the creeping silence that fills the room, finding it ok now to continue.

"Anyway, like I said, we only stayed here several weeks and then we were called to the Supremacy and from there I continued my training."

Kylo nodded. He Knew a little more about Hux now. It made Kylo love him even more and Hux had to know that.

Kylo moved over to lightly kiss Hux's lips and rested his head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad you told me, and you were not weak, neither of you were. When we get back, I, I would like to honor Brielle, if that's ok with you, there are certain ceremonies with the Force, I-"

Hux turned his body to hug Kylo, wincing at the pain by not caring in the slightest. He was so lucky to have Kylo, to have them both.

"I love you."

Kylo pulled Hux closer, trying not to think about how much pain Hux was in.

"I love you too."

Kylo let the silence linger between them until he came to a realization.

"You told Salone about us?"

Kylo felt Hux's smile against his neck, kissing it lightly then looking up.

"Remember when we were on Canto Bight for our shore leave together, right after you proposed to me, and we were very hungover from out previous night's activities.


"Well I thought it would be a great idea to tell Salone the great news about your proposal and sorts, at two in the morning might I add."

"Maker Hux, are you serious, why didn't you tell me!"

"Oh please, she was my second mother, I trusted her, and she wouldn't shut up about how I was finally able to get with someone... I didn't think she would spread it around but honestly; I want the whole Galaxy to know your mine."

Kylo shuddered, he would always be his.

Before Kylo could comment, there was a knock on the door. Kylo used the force to open it to show Amidala holding Millicent in her arms like a child. She didn't seem to care though.

"Maratelle said lunch was are you feeling?"

Hux sat up a bit more, hoping that his discomfort wasn't shown on his face.

"I am doing fine love, you can let Maratelle know we'll be there in a minute."

Amidala smiled, nodded and headed back out to the kitchen.

This was sure to be one hell of a lunch, that was for sure. But they were all together, that was the only thing that mattered.

-"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."- Kylo Ren, (The Last Jedi).

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