Chapter 10

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Kylo was actually nervous.

It's not every day you get to reunite with your mother after 15 something years. This truly was unexpected, if only Snoke's young apprentice knew of this beforehand.

Well, that wasn't entirely true. He would have never met Hux, the Knights. Amidala probably would even be here right now. His father might have still been alive, Luke would have trained the next Jedi and that would be it.

He felt someone come up beside him, taking his hand. Hux really looked unrecognizable with his mask on. Kylo wasn't wearing his own, but his expression said it all. Hux removed the mask.

"Is it really that revolting. I thought you said I looked good?"

"No, it's just different, I, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me, Amidala would be safe and-"

Hux guided him over to a small bench on the side.

"Hey none of that. We are doing this for her. I understand this is hard for you, but we need to be strong, for her. General Organa will help us, I'm sure of it."

The pure adoration in Hux's eyes said it all. Kylo leaned over to Kiss him, both of them meeting up and connecting their lips. Hux brought his hand up into Kylo's hair pulling him closer. It didn't last long though.

"Rey told me to tell you guys that we'll be landing in.......... Oh, seriously that's disgusting."

Kylo and Hux both parted, failing at hiding their smiles. They turned to Amidala who was currently trying to look anywhere but at them.

"Thank you for letting us know Amidala, can you let Rey know we'll discuss the plan when we actually land."

Amidala seemed impassive.

"Why can't you just tell her yourself?"

Kylo grinned and pulled Hux close to him and gave him another kiss.

Amidala groaned loudly and stormed off while both Kylo and Hux tried to control their laughter.

They arrived within the hour, Rey and Finn were collecting their things before leaving to confront General Organa.

"Finn and I will go out first, we will alert General Organa and the rest of the Resistance. I will signal when it's ok to come out."

Kylo could sense Rey's uneasiness, but she smiled at them anyway. None of them knew what to really expect.

Rey and Finn left them there, all three of them standing together.

Kylo looked to his left where Hux was standing, putting his mask back on. Then he looked to his right where Amidala had come up beside him, holding his hand. She was trying to be strong but to no avail, Kylo knew she was nervous.

He suddenly felt Rey tap into his mind to signal him that it was ok to step out of the Falcon. He shoved her out without giving her back a response, Dyad be damned.

"Ok, we're going to be fine. I promise no matter what happens, I love you both."

Amidala looked up to her father.

"We will be ok Dad. We have your back."

Kylo felt Hux's arm loop around his, body pressed against him.

"We are with you, my love. Now let us go before they all bloody storm in here with their blasters."

Kylo sighed, taking his family with him and stepping out of the Falcon onto the wet soil of Endor.

They were all staring at them, forming a clear path to where General Organa was standing.


They came up to her, her face so full of hope. Just like the last time little Ben Solo had seen her. Rey and Finn were standing to the side, watching as it unfolded.

Leia walked up to him, looking into his mask. Kylo couldn't keep it together anymore. He didn't think this was real.

Kylo freed his hand, giving a reassuring presence in the force to let his family know it was alright. He removed his mask, kneeling in front of his mother.

"You have no obligation to help me or my family. I only come here to ask you to help my daughter, please help us, you are our only hope."

Something in Leia's eyes shifted. Kylo could feel it in the Force. Something that had always been there but never showed itself until now.

In an instant, Leia got down with Kylo and hugged him and hard as she could. Like a mother would hug their son. It was like time had stopped, the only thing Kylo could feel was his mother, holding him again.

They sat like that until they broke apart, Kylo helping Leia off the floor.

"I will help you; we must discuss this in private though, but you are welcome here."

Leia walked past them and addressed the rest of the Resistance which had apparently gathered around in the hanger watching them this whole time.

"My son is home! There is still hope for us, for the Resistance!"

The crowd cheered back at her, all of them dispersing supposedly to their stations.

Kylo winced at the bluntness of his mother, but they would go over everything. He would introduce her his family and for once in his life, Kylo felt nothing but hope.

- "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope." -  Princess Leia (A New Hope)

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