Chapter 9

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He had finally gotten some kind of a signal.

Hux was now pacing around the room, trying to decipher some sort of frequency broadcast. Kylo was trying to fix his Hilt, but every time Hux took a step his boots would make this rhythmic tapping sound that was beginning to make him loose his mind. It was impossible to focus.

"Can you stop pacing please. Kriffin Hell Hux, every time you take a step, I swear I get closer to throwing this at you."

When Hux didn't respond he looked up at him, seeing that he was standing completely still now, looking at his Data Pad with a horrified expression.

Kylo stood up, joining him and looking down at the Data Pad.

It was just a jumbled mess of letters and numbers, but to Hux, they seemed like they were something more.

"What's wrong Hux, I don't see how this could be anything."

Hux looked up at him, seeming to fight with himself with what he was going to say.

"This is old academy Binary Code. My father, during my years at the Academy, drilled it into my brain until I could decipher anything he put in front of me. Only Imperial Academy members know of this code."

At least Kylo could read the first part, that was in Basic, but everything else was just numbers and letters.

"Can you tell me what it says?"

[ Grand Marshall Hux,                                                                                                                                                                                     I truly hope this finds you Sir. The rest of the Order has rondevu at Jakku. We have lost contact with the Finilizer, Captain Phasma, Supreme Leader, Alpha 5, and you Sir, please respond when you get this message.

             Hux, I truly hope this reaches you and that I coded this message well enough for you to read. General Pryde has taken full command of the Order. He gave a speech saying all three of you were dead and the Finalizer had gone up in flames, But I wouldn't be sending you this message if we all believed him. Pryde has ordered for the entire fleet to rondevu at Exegol. I have been promoted to General (For the time being) and me and my- your crew are on the Liberty vessel. Officer Unamo has been struggling these past few weeks. She keeps saying she knows Phasma is alive, I just hope she is correct. Thannson has been helping her for the time being. Peavy is now General Pryde's errand boy, but I believe he still has some dignity left within him. That might help us. I hope you and your family are alright sir. Please contact me if you are still with us. The crew of the Liberty are here to serve you. Long Live the Order.                                                                                                                                   General (officer) Dophed Mitaka ]

Kylo knew how much Hux's crew meant to him. Mitika had always seen him as some sort of a father figure. Thannson would always go out of his way in helping some of the newer Officer staff so Hux would have more time doing other things. Unamo would always work late night shifts. Sometimes she would even stop by for drinks with Phasma. Kylo knew that Hux had known about their relationship, but he said nothing, respecting Phasma and always trying to protect her at all costs.

"I should have known Pryde would take command, but why Exegol? Why not Naboo or even Ajan Kloss if he really wanted to start an attack?"

"He's working for Palpatine. Exegol is their Endgame. You said it yourself, people like your father, like Pryde, would jump at the opportunity to revive the Empire."

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