Chapter 6

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They named her Amidala.

Kylo had wanted to honor his grandmother. For some reason, it just felt right. Hux had agreed and they thought she would like it too.

Kylo had entered the room before Hux because they didn't want to startle her. It was easier to trust Kylo because of the Force but Hux was a Military man and always would be. Most of the time his presence tended to intimidate people.

Hux waited outside the door, watching Kylo talk to Amidala. She would peek around Kylo, looking at Hux, then quickly looked away once he met her gaze. Kylo noticed this and motioned to Hux to come in.

She was small, definitely malnourished but she had the cutest eyes Hux had ever seen. He was not going to get emotional in front of Kylo, or his daughter for that matter.

She was hiding behind Kylo, rapping herself in his cloak.

Hux crouched down, offering his hand to her.

"Hello Amidala, my name is Hux."

She peaked out a little, looking up for Kylo's approval. Kylo nodded and she stepped forward taking Hux's hand.


She only spoke above a whisper, her eyes still staring at the marble floor of the room.

Hux looked up to Kylo, seeming to already understand what he was thinking.

"How about we get you some food, I can give you a tour of the ship, how does that sound?"

She looked up, now looking right into his eyes and gave him a half smile.


She looked back at Kylo before she took Hux's hand. Hux picked her up and they left the medical wing.

The ship was mostly quiet, except for the occasional Stormtrooper making their rounds. Kylo had let Hux take the lead when talking about what the First order stood for. How they operated and why they fought.

Kylo could listen to him for hours, talking so passionately about their empire.

They stopped by the cafeteria, grabbing her something to snack on. It was just the regular Stormtrooper mush, but her eyes lit up when they said she could have anything. Kylo gave Hux a sad smile while she looked over the food.

Once they had finished eating, they finished the tour and headed back to their room. Thankfully they had a spare bedroom for her so she could have privacy. The room wasn't finished by any means but it was something.

Hux sighed, walking into the unfinished room, setting Amidala on the bed.

"Well, we have all had a long day, why don't you try to get some sleep, you and Kylo have a big day tomorrow."

Kylo nodded, kneeling down beside the bed.

"Yes, I will introduce you to the Force and how to harness it, but that is for tomorrow's cycle, right now I want you to rest, Hux and I will be in the other room if you need us."

Hux and Kylo both walked out of the room and cracked the door so there would be some light that came in.

Hux and Kylo both decided they should actually get some sleep also, even if it would just be for a couple of hours. They both crawled into bed, Millicent trotting over on the edge of the bed and purring loudly.

Hux thought it was strange. How long would it take for her to trust them? Would she ever call them her fathers? What if he and Kylo weren't good enough to protect her?

Hux was pulled out of his thoughts when Kylo leaned over and wrapped his arms around Hux's small frame.

"You need to stop stressing over things."

Hux sighed, turning to face Kylo.

"You need to stop looking through my thoughts."

Kylo let out a small laugh, pulling Hux closer into him.

"It's not my fault that you think so loudly, I can practically hear your thoughts from the other side of the ship."

"Ha-Ha very funny mister I need to Break everything...... Now go to sleep, you have a big day tomorrow with Amidala."

With that, they fell asleep, hoping tomorrow Kylo could start to train one of the greatest force users in the galaxy.

-"Someday you're gonna be wrong, I just hope I'm there to see it." -Princess Leia (The Empire Strikes Back)

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