Chapter 2

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He hadn't seen her in so long.

"May we come in?"

Maratelle quietly nodded, moving her hand from his face.

They all shuffled in, Amidala carrying Millicent over to the living room to let her roam around. The place looked worn but lively even though she seemed to be the only occupant since Brendol and him left.

Kylo could feel the sadness radiating off of Hux's form. Hux had told him about Arkanis and the Academy, Brendol, and what he remembered of his birth mother the short time they were together. Hux was a private person, but hopefully Kylo could get him to open up.

"You look like you've taken quite a beating. What do you need?"

They both looked up, watching Maratelle grab something out of the cupboard in her small kitchen.

"Just some Bacta patches if you have any, we don't want to intrude."

"Oh hush, I got just the thing, I'm guessing you need a place to stay as well?"

She brought them a med kit and some patches, although Kylo could feel Hux grow more and more irritated for some reason.

"Looks like you've been busy though, still Bounty Hunting?"

Maratelle glared at him, lightly shoving the contents into Hux's free hand. Kylo knew this was going to be a rough couple of, well however long they were staying.

"Collecting Armitage, Brendol never seemed to be interested in it either. I'm sorry to hear how he died, Heart Attack of all things. I hated him but honestly didn't think it would be so soon."

Kylo knew what Hux and Phasma did with Brendol. How Hux had enjoyed watching his father in his last moment screaming for mercy. Watching him explode in the Bacta Tank because of a "Heart Attack".

"Yes, it was quite tragic."

Hux shifted uncomfortably against Kylo. He really just wanted to lay down and close his eyes for two seconds.

"Well, your room is still intact, there might just be a lot of dust, I hardly go in there. This is the safest place for the Supreme Leader and Grand Marshal of the First Order, I assure you."

How did she- 

"I keep informed, an unfortunate side effect of my profession. That Salone is one hell of a gal, though I only get bits and pieces. Seems like you've been busier than I thought."

They all looked over to Amidala, who was playing with Millicent. They needed to get out of here, if the Resistance knew anything, they had to run and regroup with the rest of the Order.

"Why don't I watch her for a bit while you two get cleaned up."

Hux stiffened, He didn't want Maratelle to tell her anything about his childhood, about Btrendol, about herself. It was all too much.

"That would be great, she's probably hungry anyway."

Kylo tightened his grip on Hux's waist. Honestly Hux was too tired to argue with him and just nodded but added a glare to Maratelle that was the likes of "I'll kill you if you tell her anything".

The cabin was decently small, only 3 rooms, one refresher and a small kitchen. Kylo practically carried Hux into their small room, setting him down on the bed, placing the Bacta patches where they were needed.

Hux had always found it so surprising how gentle Kylo could be with his large hands. Only taking the utmost care not to hurt him.

After Kylo was done, he laid down next to Hux in the small bed, placing his hand within his own.

"I thought I lost you, I don't know what I would have done, I can't do this without you."

Hux turned his head to look at Kylo. He was the one that brought him back. Kylo was the reason he was there with him.

"I think I owe you an explanation of what this place is, who she is."

Kylo wanted to know, he really did but he knew Hux didn't like to talk abouth such things. It brought bad memories and Kylo of all people truly knew how it could burn you. How it could hurt.

"You should sleep, Maratelle would let us know if something happened."

"No, my mind won't stop till I know you know, besides with my body healing, I won't be able to stand the pain unfortunately."

"Ok, I'm here."

Hux, still gripping Kylo's hand, smiled and turned his face back up to the ceiling.

"It all started when we fled from Arkanis."

-"Yeah, I'm responsible now, the price you pay for being successful."- Lando Calrissian (The Empire Strikes Back)

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