Chapter 15

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She had seen Endor in the Holo Vids before, although it was a lot greener than she was expecting.

She had gone with Rey early that morning. Hux had cooked her a little something and packed a bag for her with everything she needed. No words were passed between them, only silent 'sorries' left in the air. She hadn't even said goodbye to Kylo.

Rey had seemed just a little excited. Amidala didn't quite know what she was expecting. They walked through beautiful forests, climbed small mountains, even came across some Ewok's from the other side of a lake.

For what seemed like hours, they finally came up to a small clearing at the top of a hill. She looked across, seeing the tops of trees that stretched out for miles, it was beautiful.

"If this impresses you, you should see the view from Ach-To."

Amidala had heard stories from that place, seen it in her dreams even. Stories from her father saying that it was the home of the Jedi, where Luke Skywalker lived out his days.

"I would like that."

She didn't know why she said that. Would she actually like it there? Rey seemed genuine but undermining her father.......

"Ok Amidala, I want to try something, will you meditate with me?"

She nodded and sat down with Rey on the hill side, still looking out into the natural abyss.

"I want you to reach out, with the Force. Feel everything. The wind, how it hits the trees. The sun, how it casts shadows across the trees, across the grass and the dirt. The water, how it runs and passes through each rock."

Amidala touched the ground, sinking herself into the planet. She could feel every single thing that was moving, then something happened.

She was suddenly standing near an old industrial building. She noticed the trees around and knew it was Endor, just not 'now'. She noticed the insignia on the wall. It was the Empires.

She moved through the building, watching old Imperial officers talking to each other. Stormtroopers doing their routine checks. There was something else though, something that felt connected to her. She continued on until she came to an outside bridge.

She had to climb to get to the top of it, but she could hear people talking. She walked onto the platform and peeked around to see what looked to be Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. Vader was going on about the Empire they could build, Luke was not persuaded though, insisting his father would come back to the light.

She peaked out a little more and then tripped, falling out into the open. The two men stopped and turned to her, looking directly at her.

Amidala froze not knowing what to do. Was there even an off switch for this type of thing.

"Who are you?"

Amidala was unsettled by Vader's voice modulator, it sounded so familiar to her own father's.

"I'm uh, hello Great Grandfather."

They both had the force right; couldn't they see the future of something. Know who she was? Maybe that was something Hux had just told her about Force users that probably wasn't entirely accurate.

"Wait, are you, my Grandchild? I have kids?"

Luke looked so innocent compared to how her father had portrayed him.

"Uh, no actually. Your nephew, or I think that's how it works. You probably shouldn't know I'm here."

Both men only stood there, looking back at her. She walked slowly up to them, but with each step she felt herself start to fade out. Did she mess up the timeline? Would she not exist?

Before she could reach them, she faded to noting, now being back at where she was on the hill. It was different though; Rey wasn't here, and it still felt off. She looked up, noticing a large moon in the sky, she could almost make out small beams being shot in the sky like there was a space battle. Wait, what year was it?

In an instant she watched as the 'moon' , now realizing it was the second Death Star, was being blown out of the sky. Red and black closed the sky. She could hear those people's screams, everyone that died on that Space Station.

She shot up, now actually back at the present. Rey's hand was on her shoulder.

"Are you ok?"


It was so much, she knew the extent of her manipulation with time in the Force since Kylo had trained her that first day. When she had touched his scar and seen everything. Kylo had trained her to use it but it had become so much for her he had stopped and focused on other things with her. She was intrigued, but also very scared.

"Amidala, do you realize what this means? You could save the Galaxy! I could train you with the Jedi text back on Ach-To. We could defeat Palpatine once and for all."

Save the galaxy? Amidala was trying to wrap her head around all of it. But Ach-To, what did that have to do with anything? Rey wasn't actually thinking about training her, right?

"Rey, I, what are you saying?"

Rey came to face her, smiling. Amidala knew where this was going.

"Amidala, I could train you. Your power with the Force is incredible. I can train you enough, we can go back in time and kill Palpatine before the Empire even happened. Do you know how many lives we would save?"

"No, I can't. It can mess up everything, the timeline. I don't even know if I'm strong enough."

"That's why I would train you with the Jedi text, they have the information you need. Wouldn't defeating Palpatine be the greatest thing for the Galaxy? We could never have any war, the Galaxy could be at peace. You have that power, and it can be used for good."

It would be the greatest thing for the Galaxy, but not for her. Kylo, Hux, the Order, none of it would exist. She wouldn't even exist. She couldn't do it, wouldn't do it. She needed to go back to the Order and finish what the Empire had started. There had to be another way.

"No, I won't do it."

Rey signed, frowning. She had already brought this up with Leia but had hoped Amidala would have an easier time with it.

"Amidala, don't make this harder than it needs to be. There is good in you, don't go down the wrong path that your father did."

They are scared. Sooner or later, they will realize you as a weapon. We can build a new Order, save the Galaxy the diplomatic way.

No, she wouldn't hear it, any of it. Her father's must have had an opinion on this. They would see how crazy it is and they would go back to the Order. They wouldn't send her to Ach-To, would they?

Without a second thought, she ran down the hill, heading back to base. She heard Rey calling for her from behind but she decided to ignore it. She would not be some weapon to be used. She was the heir to the Order, and she would continue her father's legacy on a Star Destroyer, not some Outer Rim planet.

"Difficult to see; always in motion is the future." -Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back)

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