Chapter 20

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5 years later.......

The day hadn't come soon enough.  She felt people frantically pass by her with a mix of anxiety, but also happiness. The small Naboo plantation just over the ridge was being set up for a special occasion. Lights and handmaid flowers strung about. It felt good to be home.

Of course, they had traveled basically everywhere. The galaxy was home, but Naboo became that special place for them to come back and visit Leia and the others. She had met so many different people while they were away. She helped rebuild what had once been destroyed.

Her fathers had been there to help her along the way. It was the first time in a long time that they all spent night and day together. No meetings to go to. No immediate travel that ruined other plans. Just them and whoever needed help. Kylo had kept his promise and trained her, Hux taught her different languages and cultures of the planets they traveled to.

The last five years were the only times she could remember herself actually feeling happy.

Amidala knocked on one of the rooms in Leia's estate, feeling around for the doorknob as she heard a familiar voice on the other side to tell her to come in. When she opened the door, she felt her father's familiar presence.

She let the Force guide her, feeling around for her father's hand. She grasped onto his hand, feeling happiness through the Force.

"I would ask you how I look, but I know you wouldn't like it."

Amidala laughed quietly, feeling at the fabric. I was nice, soft between her fingers. She could also feel the gold plating that seemed to surround everything. She could sense it was likely clean cut, usually what her papa would always wear anyway.

"It feels comfortable, I'm sure dad will love it."

She could tell he was smiling, but she could also feel how nervous he was. The Force surrounding them did not waver.

"I know you are nervous, but I think it will be a beautiful ceremony. I know you wanted to do this sooner, but with everything, I. Now you two can truly be bonded with the Force."

Amidala tried to smile but failed. She had always felt some kind of guilt bringing them away from everything they had built. They had never truly planned on having her, but she couldn't stop herself from being happy about how it turned out. All the time it took though, that was another story. She suddenly felt Hux's hands cup her cheeks lightly.

"Amidala, you know we don't blame you for any of this. That day when your father brought you home was the scariest day of my life. I like to think though that we did an okay job at raising you to be the kind, smart and brave girl we know. We cannot change what happened in the past, we can only hope the future will be better. Never blame yourself for that. I think I needed some time after everything anyway. These last couple years have been the most fun I've had in forever. I only wish Phasma was here."

We cannot change what happened in the past, we can only hope the future will be better.

She supposed there was some truth to that sentiment. She couldn't help herself laugh at the mention of Phasma. Knowing her, she would definitely be saying something that would make her papa roll his eyes. That had mourned her properly when they had traveled to Pathmos a couple of years ago. It had been hard, but it had only made a weight release off her chest that she didn't know she had.

"I can feel her in the Force. She's happy, but she's also flipping you off saying, 'It's about time'."

She felt her Hux come down to her level, rapping his arms around her. She only smiled, hugging him back. They stayed like that for a while, relishing in the peace. Until all peace was broken when she felt Hux step back, frustration clear in the Force.

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