Chapter 4

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He was going to kill Kylo when he got back to the Finalizer.

It had been a full cycle, Hux hadn't heard anything from Kylo or had the ship come up on their radar.

Phasma had rounded up the bridge and made sure to be prepared for anything the Resistance was going to do. In all honesty, Hux didn't know what he was going to do if Kylo was hurt or worse. A couple years ago, he would have given anything to slit the man's throat and throw him into a trash compactor but he didn't know what he would do now.

He hated feeling things. The burning in your soul that makes you just want to curl into yourself and cry. Hux was a man of few emotions. Emotions belonged to the weak, useless child he once was back on Arkanis and Brendol had beaten it out of him. Figuratively and literally. He figured that was one thing he had to thank Brendol for.

While Hux was deep in thought he heard the comm alarm start to go off on his desk. He hurried over to it and saw it was an alert that a ship had ported on the bridge. Hux grabbed his coat and stormed out of their room, heading to the landing bay

Hux was going to kill him.

Or at least that's what Kylo thought once he docked into the landing bay. The ship would have to be serviced; the Resistance didn't destroy it to the best of their abilities but it was definitely not going to be in commission for a few cycles. 

Kylo fully landed, keeping the child still in his arms. He had silenced their minds while he flew back to the Finalizer, just to give them some peace for the time being. They both needed medical treatment. His arm burned in protest when he got up from the pilot's chair. He walked down the ramp onto the bay's floor only to see Hux looking at him with a burning expression. Kylo could see the anger lifting off of him. This was going to be a fun conversation.

"Kylo, do you have any idea what you put me through, I can't believe you defied my orders and went out on your-"

Before Hux could finish, Kylo walked up to him and kissed him, savoring everything before he pulled back and held his gaze.

Hux held his angry expression before it faded into loving, understanding.

"You're hurt, I, what happened exactly, did you find the child?"

Kylo sighed, pulling his cloak to reveal the child swaddled near his chest.

"They need medical attention; we can talk about it but I need to get them checked."

"I think you both need medical right now; we'll talk while we're in there, ok?"

Kylo nodded his head and gave Hux the signal to call medical staff to transport them to the medical wing.

They would be ok, but something told him that this safe feeling would not last for long. It was only the beginning.

-"The truth is often what we make of it; you heard what you wanted to hear, believed what you wanted to believe."-Master Obi-Wan Kenobi

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