Chapter 6

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She could feel the hostility in the air.

Maratelle had come out of hiding, offering them all tea and then leaving them all at the table. Amidala didn't know where to start.

"Soooo, how is the Resistance?"

She didn't dare look at her father's expression.

She understood why they were so hostile. It wasn't till a couple of Weeks ago that she started to trust them, but the most they all could do was at least try. A chance to start over.

"Quite well actually. We are still struggling with........locations since Crait,  but everyone is getting by. What about, about the Order, is everyone.............well?"

It was almost comical, how the two girls were talking about Factions over tea. Everyone else on the other hand seemed apprehensive.

"The Order is fine, we were hit hard by the recent attacks, we lost ........we lost a Captain, but all is well."

Amidala wished Phasma was here. She would make such a joke out of this terrible outcome.

They were all awkwardly silent for several minutes. Finally, Rey stepped in and looked at all of them.

"You all are not safe here. Word has gotten around about the Order, and it is only a matter of time before He finds us. Amidala needs protection and the safest place is Endor."

Amidala was confused. Why would Endor be the safest place for them out of all the-

Hux stood up, not even looking back for Kylo's permission. Rey didn't seem phased in the slightest, only looking over Hux's form. He was still bleeding, Amidala noticed, maybe Hux wasn't in the greatest mindset he could be in at the moment.

"Endor, you've got to be Kriffing with me. You know, the Order has had suspicions of a Rebel base near there. That's your plan to just keep her there locked up on Endor without us and if you think for a second that we will just let you take her, I will have to ask you to leave."

Rey still seemed impassive. Only quickly glancing at Amidala, trying to gauge her opinion on the situation. Rey still wouldn't back down either way.

"Well, Grand Marshal, care to explain your plan?"

Amidala watched her father's. They both seemed in other word, defeated. The one and only times she actually had seen her Papa without a 'Better Plan'.

Hux stared down Rey, suddenly turning to Kylo and pulling him up out of the chair. Hux pulled him out of the kitchen to another room, slamming the door.

Amidala tried to hold in her laughter. She could hear their muffled arguing, going back and forth. She looked over to Finn and Rey, watching their amused looks.

After 5 minutes they stepped out of the room back into the Kitchen where everyone was absently looking anywhere else but each other. Amidala silently hoped that her father's would not just send her away. Kylo had promised-

"We have come to an ulterior motive, if you'll take it."

Rey stood up again. Looking at all of them.

"Ok, so we'll take Amidala to Endor and-"

Kylo stepped closer to Rey.

"And we're also coming with you."

Finn stood up, already projecting how much he knew this would be a terrible idea.

"No, Rey you can't be seriously thinking about this, we cannot just let the two most wanted people to the Resistance, come to our base, you are crazy!"

Rey looked over to Amidala, then to Kylo. She knew this was the only way.

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