Chapter 13

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Kylo watched as his mother leaned back in her chair and sighed, looking at both of them.

He knew he couldn't change her mind so easily; it was a lot for him too, but he so badly wanted this for so long. She just needed more time to see who they really were.

Hux stood up beside him, still continuing to hold Kylo's hand.

"General Organa, I understand your disposition on our relationship, but this isn't why we're here, this is about our daughter, we need your help."

Leia stood up, eye level with Hux.

"I understand, I will do what is best for my Grandaughter, for my son but I cannot just forgive what StarKiller, what you have done. We will discuss more in the morning, for now I will have 3-PO show you to your room. Rey and Finn have already brought Amidala back there. If you need anything just Comm me."

Kylo could tell there were a million things Hux wanted to say back but he kept them in his mind, tuning to Kylo and they both left her there. He could talk with her tomorrow, right now he just wanted to sleep.

They walked into the small room. It had a Fresher and two small bedrooms, there was also a small kitchenette. Kylo already missed the Finalizer.

Hux was shuffling their bags in, setting them to the side while Kylo was holding Millicent. Hux watched as Kylo set her down, she seemed uneasy and ran back over to Hux.

"I know my sweet, we won't be here for long."

That's when Hux notices Kylo looking up at him from where he was putting away their bags, as if he said something wrong.

"What? Your mother seemed very happy to hear about our relationship. I feel incredibly comfortable with my daughter running off with these, Resistance vermin.

"Do you always have to be like this? She was happy, it's just a lot, you' know."

"Kylo, she threw me into a Bookshelf!"

"I Know just give me time, I-"

"Time? Kylo we are still at war for Kriff's sake, you don't seem to care about this at all, honestly-"

Kylo stood his ground, making himself seem taller than Hux in every way. They hadn't fought like this in a while, everything was just spilling out before he could stop it. They both raised their voices.

"It's all about the Order to you, you don't even care do you, what this all means, you just care about your kriffing War!"

"Ren, I am going to pretend I did not just hear that. We both know I care about her very much, take a look at yourself. You finally reunite with your mother and what, we're just left with the scarps of your affection!"

"You always take everything so personally Armitage!"

"Well how else am I supposed to Kriffing take it!"

Before Hux could continue yelling Kylo raised his hand, silencing both of them. That was when Hux noticed Amidala's light was on in her room and then briefly shut off.

They both sighed, hands coming up to rub at their faces. They just need time to cool off.

"You go, I need to send Mitaka another message. Let me know if you need me."

Before Kylo could protest, Hux left the room with Millicent in his arms.

Kylo waited about a minute to let himself cool off until he made his way to her door.

He sighed moving over to the door, lightly knocking before letting himself in.

Amidala was 'asleep' on the bed. Kylo moved over and sat on the edge. They had fought in front of her in the past, but this was different.

"Amidala, I know you're awake."

It took a minute before she sat up. She seemed to be thinking over things until she lifted her hand over dramatically and waved it in a circular motion.

"You will forget that I am awake and leave."

And then she waited. Kylo tried not to burst out laughing.

Amidala seemed to take a hint though and she overdramatically laid back down.

"I thought it was going to work."

Now Kylo did actually let out a laugh, pulling Amidala up to sit against the headboard. He loved that she even tried, he could feel it on the Force. She was stronger than she knew, but she needed time, and practice.

"Not even close, I love the hand movement though, that was great. Really sold it."

Amidala rolled her eyes, bringing her knees up to her chest. It suddenly went quiet.

"Why were you and papa fighting. Did something happen, did I do something?"

Kylo moved over to sit beside her now. She leaned her head on his arm.

"No, no you didn't do anything. Papa and I are just trying to do what's right. We just need some time to figure everything out, I know it's a lot and I'm sorry. Just know that we both love you no matter what."

Amidala seemed to think all of it over. Kylo could feel how tired she was, he only wanted to be there for her as much as possible.

"I miss Phasma and Mitaka and Unamao and the Finalizer and-"

"I know but we'll see Mitaka and Unamo soon enough. Your father just sent them a message and we should be hearing back from them. And I told you that I can teach you to talk through the Force, we could find Phasma and-"

"I know just....."

They sat together on the bed, Kylo could feel her mind start to quieten with each passing minute. He felt himself start to go as well. He didn't really know what to expect for tomorrow, only that he and Hux needed to come up with a plan before anything else happened. Before their family started splitting apart at the seams.

-"All mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults than we would like. It's the only way we grow"- Padme Amidala

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