Chapter 3

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Nothing was left.

Kylo had seen this type of destruction before, it wasn't that alarming, just more of a wakeup call. The First order was not perfect, He and Hux knew this but the Resistance was not any better. The First order took many lives, most of them by Kylo's and Hux's hand, but non the less the Resistance were getting desperate to make the Core planets happy. Even if it went against everything they stood for.

In all honesty Kylo didn't really understand what he was looking for. Maybe the child was already dead. Or worse maybe they were taken by the Resistance.

Kylo set his cruiser down on the outskirts of a forest or at least what was left of it. The camp was just on the other side so he would at least have some cover before he went into stealth mode.

He could taste the smoke in the air but it was still better than the recycled air on the Finalizer.

He walked through the dense forest, only hearing birds and maybe a couple of other things that he really didn't want to see.

He walked for about half an hour, the sun was already setting so it was getting harder to see. Thankfully he came up onto the camp, still seeing some of the fire. He crouched behind a rock looking over to see men talking about something, he didn't really care. Kylo reached out in the Force trying to find a Force signature or anything for that matter. He tried to just find anything, anything that would lead him to find at least a little life Force within them but was pulled out by the sudden cry. He heard men start yelling something and more troops were running over to the area. Kylo cloaked himself and followed behind them, seeing if it would lead to anywhere special.

They walked a couple miles to the outskirts of the camp and came across people trying to escape. The men were lining up to shoot them and before Kylo could react, they started shooting. Kylo knew he should have done something but it wasn't his place, the child must have died but before he could finish the thought, he felt something through the force. It was them.

He could see them, being taken by some of the officers while the rest of the men killed the others off. Kylo ignited his lightsaber and launched at the men. They cried and screamed for mercy but Kylo didn't care. He stabbed both of them and they both fell to the ground.

More men were coming, he had to go before they could get a chance to notice who he was.

The child was crying, looking up at him like he was going to kill them.

Just like the vision had shown him.

He put his lightsaber on his belt and belt down to the child. The Force signature on them was powerful.

"You have to come with me, the men will kill you if you don't." He didn't even know if they could understand him.

"Please don't kill me, I don't want to die, I, I can't."

"Hey, it's ok, I will show you how to control it, I can help you, I won't kill you or let anyone kill you."

They were silent, still seeming to question his offer.

"Can you walk?"

Kylo moved closer to the child to see that their leg was bloody and their arm was badly bent.

Kilo spoke through the Force into their mind and told them that it would be ok to trust him. They looked up at him and gave him permission to pick them up so he could carry them back to the ship. He heard the men start to come closer so he started to walk back to the ship. Once he was at the edge of the forest, he saw men start to line up around the ship, blocking it from every entry. Hux was going to kill him.

He sat the child down behind a tree and told them to stay there.

He walked up to the ship and started to fight. The men had no chance, the only thing that could be heard were distant screams and cries for mercy. He finished all of them off and headed back to the child who seemed to still be crying, Kylo picked them up, held them close and started to head back to the ship. They started to walk up the landing pad when he heard someone behind him shoot and before he could use the Force, he turned so it wouldn't hit the child. The plasma bolt hit him in his right shoulder. Kylo staggered, still holding the child, moved into the ship and started it up.

He would come back for him another day.

Kylo sat down in the pilot's chair and set the coordinates for the Finalizer.

- "What if the democracy we thought we were serving no longer exists, and the Republic has become the very evil we have been fighting to destroy?"- (Revenge of the Sith) Padmé

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