Chapter 11

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They were all cramped into her small office.

Leia was sitting at her desk while Kylo, Hux, and Amidala stood in front of her. Kylo noticed only a couple things on her desk, focusing in on a picture of Leia and Han holding little Ben Solo in their arms.

He looked over to Amidala, who was looking around the room, absently messing with her lightsaber hilt. Kylo knew this was probably uncomfortable for her.  Before he could even mention her leaving to let them talk, Leia smiled and signaled Rey and Finn who were standing by the door.

"Amidala, why don't you go with Rey and Finn to the Mess Hall. I suppose you must be hungry after the long trip."

She looked over at Kylo, silently asking for approval.

Kylo smiled, pushing the loose hair out of her face, and kissed her forehead.

"Go, you'll be ok. We will both be right here if you need us."

Amidala nodded and left with Finn and Rey, closing the door behind them.

Kylo looked to his mother, who was staring at Hux, as if she was trying to figure out exactly what he was, which was actually what she was trying to do.

"She seems very sweet. I would like to be able to meet her, but we should talk mother to son and uh, your Knight?"

Kylo smirked, stood up and moved beside Hux looking back at Leia.

"So, this is no Knight of Ren actually, they uh, he is someone who I have known ever since I joined the Order. He is Amidala's father, my Fiancé, and my best friend. I have wanted you to meet him for the longest time but War and all you know-"

Hux elbowed Kylo in the ribs

"-Anyway uh, just don't freak out."

Leia smiled, looking at the two of them. Hux started to remove his mask before he could even realize she was talking.

"Ben I'm sure he is great; you know I accept your decision and am happy that-"

Kylo noticed the shift. Leia's face turned from loving to angry, filled with hate he could feel through the force. He looked over to Hux who had removed his mask now, trying to plaster on a smile. Leia was having none of it.

In an instant, Hux flew across the room, by Leia's hand, and slammed into a bookshelf. Kylo instantly ran over to him.


"Benjamin Chewbacca Organa-Solo, do not even start with me. HIM! Thee General Hux that blew up Hosnian Prime! I thought you at least had good taste but no, you have too much of your father in you. Always-"

"Mother, choose your next words very carefully, Hux is my Fiancé, Amidala's father, and you will respect him as such."

Leia scoffed, falling back to sit down at her desk.

Hux was still on the floor, looking up to Kylo who had a worried expression cross his face. Hux smirked up at him.

"Your middle name is Chewbacca?"

Kylo rolled his eyes and helped Hux up off the floor. Kylo wanted to give Leia a piece of his mind but surprisingly Hux held him back.

"It's ok Kylo. I'm sure I deserved it. General Organa, pleased to meet you."

"You deserve a lot more than that."

They were all quiet, seeming to think over their next words carefully.

Leia sighed, motioning for both of them to sit down. Kylo could tell she was trying, maybe he could try to meet her halfway.

"He, we are together, have been together for some time. A lot has happened over the years. If I could just, they are my family, my everything, please."

Leia's eyes softened, nodded to both of them. Kylo would tell her everything, he wanted her to know the full story.

-"Why, you stuck-up, half witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder!" - Princess Leia Organa (Empire Strikes Back)

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