Chapter 19

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It had been three or more weeks since Exegol, and Kylo had stopped counting.

They were back on Endor. Leia had a medical suite set up for Amidala. The Ristence's best medical staff had been brought together to help her. They had worked tirelessly on procedure after procedure. Hux had stayed with the doctors every second. Always asking questions. The doctors had pleaded to give them space to work and Kylo basically had to drag him out of there.  It was only until one of the nurses quietly stepped outside that Kylo and Hux knew the extent of her injuries.

"She is stable.........But she has lost all of her eyesight. Also, her hands are still burnt, so she will need to keep the bandages on for about a couple of cycles. I'm very sorry."

Kylo and Hux couldn't say anything, only hugging each other and crying until they couldn't breathe. Hux had silently wiped Kylo's tear from his face, sending reassurances through the Force.

She is going to be ok.

Hux then turned to the nurse, feeling ready to onslaught her with more questions. Kylo only was able to listen, hoping Amidala would be ok. She was alive. That's all that mattered.

While she was recovering Hux and Kylo talked with Leia on how the First Order could coexist with the Republic. They were both stepping down as Grand Marshall and Supreme Leader, but Hux knew there were still people who believed in the Order, just as he had. They were stepping down for personal reasons though.

They finally came to an agreement over it. The First Order would cover all trade routes and trade gateways for the Core Words and Outer Regions while the New-New Republic controlled them. Stormtroopers and officers would be given the choice to leave, though Hux knew many of them would stay. Leia had been surprisingly hopeful about it, although she still wanted them to lead.

"Who can you trust to take over the Order? From what you have told me, this will be a big change for thousands of people."

"I have the perfect person or people. The crew of the Finalizer, they helped us in the battle of Exegol. General Mitaka I would trust to take control, If that's applicable."

Hux looked at Kylo, nodding with him. He hated leaving his crew behind, but the next generation would have to take over. Mitaka would take the Order to new heights.

"If you can send me his contact information, it would be gratefully appreciated."

Hux smiled at Leia, handing her the Data Pad. He would have never thought they could coexist without killing each other. This was all for Amidala. This would be their new beginning.

Amidala first noticed she was touching something fuzzy, something that was vibrating. She opened her eyes to darkness. She tried opening and closing them again. Feeling her eyelids open and close. There was something over her mouth, helping her breathe. She tried not to panic, closing her eyes and trying to connect with the Force.

It felt different then when she had meditated before. It was like she was more connected to the Force. She could feel everything around her. The planet, the rebel base, the people moving around.

She opened her eyes once more, still seeing darkness, but she had no fear. She felt like she could see more than she had ever seen before. It was almost nauseating, but she knew she would get used to it. Kylo could teach her.

If he still wanted to teach her.

Before she could dwell on those thoughts any longer, the furry animal moved to sit on her chest. She called out through the Force and then felt a familiar presence.

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