Chapter 8

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She had heard stories of this place.

Kylo has shown her visions of when he went to seek out his Kyber Crystal. The planet was small but full of life. There were mountains that scaled high above the clouds. The Force flowed through every inch of the planet. She had never felt anything like it before.

Jedi and Sith would come to the caves and seek out their Kyber Crystals. Amidala didn't expect to be connected with one so soon, but she supposed it was better now than never.

They all walked out of the Falcon, stepping foot on the wet soil of Ilium. She could feel the Force around them. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever experienced.

In her excitement, she started walking to the caves until she noticed it was only her who had moved from the Falcon. She turned around to see Kylo and Hux smiling at her while Rey and Finn walked away.

They would surely come with her right? How would she know what to do? She wasn't ready for this. Maybe this was all too soon-

They must have noticed the concerned look on her face because Kylo laughed and signed her over back to them.

"Are you not coming with me? What if I mess up or I can't find the right one or-"?

Kylo laughed and knelt down to her, brushing the stray hair out of her face.

"You have to do this on your own. I had to do the same when I was only a few years younger than you are now. I've trained you for this, your father and I will wait for you in the Falcon."

Amidala looked up into Kylo's eyes, full of hope for her. She truly didn't want to go by herself but knew she had to do it. The Force would be with her.

She hugged both of them, slinging her bag around her shoulders and headed into the cave.

"This Kriffing Pad! Does nothing in the Galaxy seem to work for me!"

Kylo and Hux were currently waiting in the Falcon. Kylo was working on his Lightsaber's Hilt while Hux was (aggressively) trying to get a signal so they could contact the Order.

"We could always wait till we get to Endor. That Pad is definitely not going to work now that you've beaten it to death."

Hux sighed and looked up at Kylo, not amused.

"I don't even want to think of how the Order is running without us. Mitika is probably having a mental breakdown while Unamo and Peavy are probably arguing about something stupid. Honestly, I'm surprised we haven't heard news that 'The First Order has fallen', honestly. Like I said, they will die without us, that is why I need to try to find some signal to reach them."

To see the day, 'The dignified Grand Marshal of the First Order' smacking his DataPad against the table. Wearing Sith garbs and a hood that mostly hid his face. It almost made Kylo want to laugh about how ridiculous the situation actually was, if only their daughter wasn't in constant danger.

"Yes, my Grand Marshal. Long live the Order. We would be doomed without you."

Kylo meant it as a joke but out of the corner of his eye he saw Hux smile at him, Taking to heart what he had said. The only moment he had actually seen him smile genuinely out of the whole fiasco.

And Kylo just might have smiled back.

Amidala was cold. Honestly, she should have worn her cape.

The only thing she had to light her way was the distant glow of the sun from the opening of the cave. Her vision was better than someone who wasn't Force sensitive, but she was still uncomfortable.

She walked a couple of miles, touching the walls to fell if she could sense the crystals.

After what seemed like forever, she found a large Dark room. The walls were carved out to make a circular shape, pillars connecting at the ceiling on each side. There was a large rock in the center.

She walked over to it, positioning herself on top of the rock. Now the hard part, meditating.

Amidala had always had trouble meditating, no matter how much Kylo tried to teach her. There was always something to think about, something to worry about. She only hoped she could do it now.

She tried breathing in-out, reaching out to feel the touch of Force. She felt something shift around her. As if the force was there with her. The Jedi and Sith of the past all having a connection.

Open your eyes.

Amidala opened her eyes to see an overwhelming burst of color. Crystals of all shapes, color, and sizes placed integrity within the walls of the room.

It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

Although not being able to fully take in each crystal's beauty from where she was sitting, she could feel eyes on her.

She turned around to see people clouded in blue, but before she could say anything, she must have been leaning too far to the left and fell off the rock and onto the cold paved cave floor.

She could hear the awkward 'oh's;' and sense the utter embarrassment radiating through the air. She hardly knew who these people were. Maybe she was dead. Why did they look like ghosts? She was losing her mind.

"Amidala you are not losing your mind, please calm yourself. The Force sent us here."

Apparently, they could read minds too.

Amidala looked up and stood up off the ground. There was a man with a beard, covered in a cloak. A woman who had beautiful flowing hair, wearing a Naboo type style dress. A younger man with curly hair and a smile that reminded her of her father, and a smaller creature, maybe Rodian. She didn't know, none of this made sense.

"Who are you, I believe some introduction is required."

From left to right, they greeted her.

-Anikin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Obi-wan Kenobi, and Master Yoda-

She remembers now. Hux had shown her old Holo Films of the Famous Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars, Queen Padme Amidala of Naboo, who she was named after. It was very surreal.

"Why are you here? Not that I don't mind a little visit from my Great Grandparents but, why now, after all this time."

Yoda stepped up to her, looking around the cave, Amidala followed his gaze.

"Seeking out a Crystal, you are. Choose a side, you must. We are here to guide you."

She watched as obi-Wan Kenobi walked up to her, joining Master Yoda.

"You have many paths to choose from, young Padawan. Your father has taught you well, but you must decide for yourself. You have to want this path."

Padme Stepped up as well.

"This road will lead to many uncertainties, Amidala. I know you are strong; you are named after me, I should know. Your father has taught you well, but you must realize that you cannot always protect them. But always trust in your family, without them, you will only fail."

Anikin came up behind Padme, looking down at her, smiling.

"And trust in the Force. We will always be with you."

She smiled at them, closing her eyes to savor this moment. She had a million questions, but something told her they would be answered soon enough. 

When she opened them, they were gone, leaving her in the empty room, with a choice.

-"When gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be. The Force runs strong in your family. Pass on what you have learned."- Yoda

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