Chapter 1

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There was a child.

Ren was on a planet, doused in fire and smoke. He could feel people dying, hearing their screams and cries for help. There was something shifting in the force. It was anger, fear, sadness, and understanding. It was so loud. Kylo shifted, his head ringing. He looked up to see a child. They were standing there looking at him like he was going to kill them. He noticed his lightsaber was ignited and there was a distinct smell of blood. The child was screaming something at him, he couldn't decipher it. It was so loud.

Kylo shot up in bed, gasping for air while he tried to calm the pounding in his head. That child was Force sensitive, but why had it called out to him? How was he connected to this child; did he even know where to start looking for them?

He didn't even hear the sheets shifting next to as an indication he had woken up Hux.

"Kylo, what's wrong?"

Kylo didn't answer him right away, so Hux sat fully up in bed and laid a hand on his shoulder just to try to calm him down.

It had been several minutes until Kylo finally gained the ability to speak.

"There was a child."

Hux looked up at him, seeming that as an indication to keep going.

"The child is Force sensitive, maybe five or six, there was so much going on and there was fire and blood, they were crying and............-"

Hux leans over to kiss Kylo's cheek to ground him, still letting him know he is listening without verbally interrupting.

"I think it was a call from the Force, I think the child needs me. And I think they're on the outer Rim planet that was just bombed."

Hux didn't respond right away, still trying to process everything Kylo had said. Child, why was a child reaching out to Kylo of all people.

"What do you want to do?"

Kylo took a few seconds, going over the plan in his head.

"I'll go down to the planet next cycle and grab the child then head back to the Finalizer."

With that Hux shifted to face Ren and look him right in the eyes.

"Kylo it's too dangerous, I can't have you or anyone else in harm's way, we have already lost too many soldiers in too little time."

"I need to go down there, Hux, this could change everything, I don't want Rey getting to them before I do."

Both of their voices rising with each word.

"I forbid you to go Kylo, I know you don't care about your own well-being but I do!"

"That's not fair, I have the Force, no one will even see that I'm down there."

Kylo grabs Hux's hand and places it within his own.

"This could change the tide of the war Hux. If Rey or even my mother got ahold of them, that could be the defining factor, just please let me go down there."

Hux sighs, shifting to lay down, his hand still in Kylo's.

"We'll talk about this in the morning, ok? Please, I don't want to argue right now especially without Caf. Just, let's sleep on it, ok?"

Kylo didn't say anything, just slumping back into bed and putting his face in Hux's chest.

They would talk it over in the morning, yeah, it would be fine. They had nothing to worry about. With that they both drifted off to sleep.

- "Every time I walked away from something I wanted to forget, I told myself it was for a cause that I believed in. A cause that was worth it. Without that, we're lost."- Cassian Andor

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