Chapter 13

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They had arrived back at the Finalizer a few days ago.

They were supposed to be there for much longer, but Senators of Naboo were not quite as forgiving as Hux had hoped. They had spat in their faces as if they weren't doing anything and suspended further Trade Routes with the Order. They were not quite as ready to give up to the Resistance either so they would just have to wait and hoped they would get desperate enough to reconsider.

Amidala was sitting on the couch, looking bored, messing with one of her old models. Hux was preparing dinner while Kylo was doing something else in the other room.

She thought back to what Rey had told her. She hadn't asked Kylo anything since they got back. It was stupid the more Amidala thought about it. Rey was probably manipulating her and was causing these conflicting thoughts. But for some reason she still had the comm link.

After thinking for another couple minutes Hux had finally told them dinner was ready and they all met in the small kitchen. Hux, since they had adopted Amidala, came upon a love for cooking. Anything was better than the mush they gave you in the Mess Hall and Hux had found a cookbook on Arkanian dishes and just stuck with it throughout the years. Kylo on the other hand couldn't cook if it was the only thing to keep him alive. One time Kylo had made dinner "as a surprise" and Hux and Amidala were both very excited. Her Dad had mentioned about his own mother making this dish when he was a child. Long story short it ended with Amidala kneeling over the toilet all night. It was a funny memory now, it helped when Kylo had felt so bad for a month and swore to never cook again.

Amidala was pulled out of her thoughts when Hux strode over and put what looked like to be some sort of stew in her bowl.

"Kylo, do you have to have your Lightsaber on the table, honestly."

Kylo looked up, not even remotely paying attention, staring off into space.

"What, did you say something?"

Hux gave a big sigh and Amidala laughed at her Dad's usual antics. Hux looked over to her, giving her a glare.

"Don't encourage him, now I know where you get your lack of manners."

Amidala rolled her eyes; this was what would usually happen. Kylo would do something that annoyed Hux, Amidala would laugh then both her father's would throw insults at each other till they got tired, but Kylo was defiantly distant tonight. Maybe she should mention it, it would just be an innocent question, nothing bad could happen, she just had to go for it.

"Father, I. I have been wondering about the Sith recently. The Sith were known for trying to perserve life........ Would it be possible the Sith Lord Palpatine could somehow survive, as to say, could he come back?"

Hux and Kylo both collectively spit out their water, though Kylo's expression was more concerned than Hux's. He thought she was joking. Hux started to laugh.

"Amidala is this because of the Imperial protesters on Naboo. Love I promise you there is no way he could return; I mean he was thrown down a shaft by Darth - Luke Skywalker. Anyway, my point is that he was a powerful Chancellor, that played two sides of the war, and a very powerful Sith Lord but he wouldn't be able to survive that. Right Kylo.............. Kylo?"

Amidala noticed the horror clear on his face when Kylo looked up and then it was gone.

"Yes, yeah no he can't, he's been gone for years, I, your Papa's right."

Amidala was getting increasingly concerned but shielded her worry from Kylo. She had to make the call to Rey.

"Well, I have had a long Cycle and I want to go work on my models, so, I'm going to go to my room byeeeeeeee."

"Amidala you haven't even eaten the Vegetables-"

Before Hux could finish, she ran out of the room.

Hux sighed, moving over to Kylo who seemed to be lost in thought again.

"She'll be fine, I have to be on the bridge right now, but I'll be back in a couple of hours. I love you."

Hux kissed him on the cheek and moved to leave for the bridge.

Kylo stayed in his seat, still thinking. She couldn't have known, it was just a coincidence, she couldn't have known anything.

Kylo had been having the dreams lately, but they were different, it was like they were visions, but Palpatine had been dead for years, it didn't make any sense. There was definitely something different in the Force, Kylo was starting to get the feeling their time would be up sooner than later. Something was coming.

"You can't stop the change, any more than you can stop the suns from setting." — Shmi Skywalker (The Phantom Menace)

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