Chapter 18 (Part 1)

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Kylo stood with Rey as the Falcon flew through Hyperspace. They had left Hux and the rest of the Resistance on Endor, letting them make the last few preparations before they would meet up against the New Order.

He looked down at the Comm that was in his shaking hands. Hux and the Liberty were to keep in contact with the rest of the fleet. Kylo and Rey would let them know when they arrived on Exegol, signaling the Liberty and the rest of the Resistance to make themselves known.

Hux had made all the final preparations for contacting the Liberty andmaking sure the Resistance were clear on the plan. Kylo voiced his concerns about Hux doing it alone but Hux only told him to 'bring their daughter home'. Kylo had kissed him in response, and that was the last time they had seen each other.

He had wanted to go alone, but Rey insisted on coming. Kylo knew how this would go down, especially with not knowing Palpatine's full plan. This wasn't her fight.


Rey opened her eyes, coming out of her meditation, looking over at Kylo. He knew she could sense his unease about everything. It strangely comforted Kylo that she felt the same.

"Yes, Kylo? We'll arrive in about an hour."

He moved to sit with her on the floor, setting his lightsaber down next to him. He needed Rey to trust him. To listen to him.

"I, I need you to promise me something......No matter what happens to me, I need you to promise me that you'll get Amidala out of there if you get the chance. Palpatine wants me. He's been talking to me since I was born. Once I break through to Amidala, I want you to get her out of there."

Rey moved closer to him, taking his hand and holding it.

"Kylo, I have faith that she is still in there. She can help us defeat him. She left because she felt like she wasn't given a choice. Give her that choice.......I will get her out of there if I need to, but she has the power to kill him."

Kylo knew she was right. Amidala had a great strength within her, she just needed to be freed from Palpatine's grasp. He only wanted her to be safe and yet, with their combined power, they could kill Palpatine once and for all.

Hux paced back and forth on the bridge, his crew currently running around frantically. He had to admit that it felt good to be back on a ship, but it wasn't the Finilizer, and Phasma wouldn't be able to save him this time.

"Sir, General Poe Dameron is requesting Comm access."

Hux nodded to Unammo, who then put him through. There was suddenly a loud screeching that came through. Hux and the rest of the crew all jolted in their places, people finding no sense of Order and yelling at each other to turn it off. Eventually, the audio evened out, someone on the other side being herd flipping switches and yelling at his droid.

Poe Dameron.

"Hello, is this thing on? I have a message for General Hugs. Is he there?"

Hux sighed, turning down the volume on the intercom. He couldn't believe that this was the same pilot that destroyed Starkiller.

"Yes Dameron, we can all hear you. What is it?"

"We have gotten the Comm from Rey that they have arrived on Exegol. We are ready to jump out of Hyperspace whenever you are."

Hux called over Mitaka to give him his Data Pad. They were right over Exegol's trajectory. Hux knew he would have to face his own people. The final fight, not for the Order, but his daughter. It was now or never.

"You are free to move with your squad Dameron. Are you sure your rebels will join our fight?"

Hux and the rest of the Liberty had their doubts. If what they knew to be true about this 'Sith Fleet', the Liberty and a couple of X-Wings could not take on even one Star Destroyer by themselves. He just had to buy them time on the surface for them to win this War.

"Don't worry Hux, we're with you. Keep us updated."

With that, Hux nodded to Unamo to send them out of Hyperspace. In a matter of seconds, the whole fleet of Star Destroyers came into view.

The crew became silent. The only sound was of Hux's boots hitting the cold steel floor that was the bridge. Walking up to the large window, Hux took in the rest of the fleet. To say he was intimidated was an understatement. They were out-maned, out-gunned, and most importantly, outnumbered. He couldn't let that show though, he had to keep strong for his men. For Amidala.

They were now directly above Exegol, standing directly in front of the Executor, the mothership.


Hux was snapped out of his thoughts by an incoming transmission. A blue image flickered on the bridge. It was Pryde.

"Armitage, we don't have to do this. You are severely outnumbered. If you surrender, I can promise you and the rest of your crew a quick death. I gave you that chance to run away Armitage and you came back only to die again. Your father would be so disappointed in you."

Hux glared at Pryde, quickly signaling Mitika to alert Poe and the rest of the fleet. He just needed to give them a little more time.

"If only you learned from your mistakes, Enric. The Empire was selfish, and always will be. My father is dead, and soon you will be too. Please send my regards."

Within seconds, hundreds of ships came out of Hyperspace. Hux and the rest of the crew were audibly surprised by how many there were. This was more than just the Resistance. It was people fighting for their lives. For the galaxy.

For the first time in his life, he felt hope.

The blue hologram of Pryde quickly disappeared, letting Hux be able to direct the rest of the crew. He silently called out to Kylo letting him know the fight had begun. Telling him to bring Amidala home.

-"Rebellions are built on hope"- Jyn Erso (Rouge One)-

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