Chapter 11

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Naboo was an especially colorful time of year.

Kylo and Hux had an important meeting with one of the Senators and they decided to go planetside for it. It took some convincing from Kylo, but Hux had agreed to let Amidala come with them. Amidala was just approaching 9 years old so they thought it would be a good learning experience for her.

Amidala had never been to another planet before, Hux thought it would be a great show of where her Great Grandmother had her influence. To learn of her legacy.

When they first arrived planetside, to say Amidala was excited was an understatement.

"Can we go to the market?"

Kylo looked over to Hux who still had his nose in his Datapad. Not even remotely paying attention.

"Well, your Papa and I have important business at the Capital but, you could take a look around when we land."

Before Amidala could say anything Hux looked up from his data pad, seeming to give Kylo "The Look ".

"There is no way she is going to the market alone; she is barely 9 Kylo!"

Oh, so he was paying attention. Kylo sat back in his chair.

"Please, I used to do it all the time when my mother had to come down here, I was way younger than her anyway, I always turned out fine."

Kylo heard Hux mutter something to himself, then sigh and look back to his data pad in defeat.

"I'll be a fine Papa, please I'll be careful, and I won't talk to anyone. Dad has even started to teach me how to mind trick people."

Hux was not surprised by her eagerness. She was always one to overestimate her ability, much like Kylo but he knew that she needed the challenge.

"I suppose it would be ok, as long as you meet us back at the Capital when we're done with the meeting."

Amidala practically jumped from her seat to go and collect her things. Kylo waited till she was out of the main station to move over to Hux, resting his hand on his shoulder.

"She'll be ok Hux, I promise, she has been training quite hard lately, and with everything Phasma's been teaching her, she will be ok."

"I know she'll be ok, but I swear Kylo, if anything happens to her, Maker knows what I will do to this planet."

Kylo moved in to kiss his Fiancé on his cheek, calming him down to the best of his ability.

"I know my love, but I think she needs this, it will only be for a couple of hours anyway."

Before Hux could say anything else, Amidala walked back to the main station carrying her bag. Kylo moved over to a compartment and took a similar cloak to his, he had been saving it for her when she could properly use it. After taking it out of the compartment, Kylo moved over to Amidala who just seemed even more excited than she was 5 minutes ago.

"Amidala, you will wear this, do not give anyone your name, do not use the Force unless you absolutely have to, and also take this."

Kylo handed her the cloak and a comm link. She didn't protest though, to his surprise and took the commlink and put on the cloak

It was like Kylo was staring at a mirror, she looked just as innocent and little Ben Solo once was. All full of hope and dreams that were later crushed by his family.

Kylo mentally told his thoughts to go kill themselves and he headed back to the pilot's chair to land them at the dock.

They landed smoothly, Hux stepped out first making his way towards the front desk to see about transport to the capital but before he continued, he looked back to see Kylo holding Amidala's hand while they walked down the ramp onto the docks floor. He walked back over to them, wanting to give his daughter a final goodbye. He knelt down to her level, resting his hands on her shoulders.

"If anything happens, you comm me, ok? I love you."

He kissed her on her forehead and headed over to the front desk. Kylo waited till Hux was out of sight, then knelt down in front of her, taking her hand and placing his lightsaber into her small hands.

"I want you to take this with you, don't use it unless you have to, and most importantly do not tell Papa."

He watched her with rapid fascination as she inspected his lightsaber. She had used it before but each time she seemed to be fascinated with it. She put it on her belt, under the cloak and gave Kylo a hug before heading off to the market. Then Kylo stood up and went to join his Grand Marshal.

"-Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, farm boy." -Han Solo (A New Hope)

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