Chapter 9

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Phasma would be the best person to train her.

Hux had come to Kylo with the idea one night after they had put Amidala to bed. She had been lightly training with Kylo for the day, Hux had been on the Bridge, as usual, for most of the day, only stopping by to check on Phasma and the new recruits.

"I really think it would benefit her Kylo, it would get her started at least. I trust Phasma with my life, I just thought it was a good idea."

Of course, Kylo was hesitant about the proposal. It's not that he didn't trust Phasma, it was just that he would rather do it himself.

"I can train her just fine without help. I don't need Phasma. I will train her like no other Force user has, she just needs.......... time."

Hux walked over to Kylo's side of the bed, sitting next to him, neading his hand into Kylo's soft hair.

"You do realize you can't do everything yourself; she needs to branch out, decide for herself......just, let me talk to Phasma about it and then we'll go from there."

Kylo sighed, shifting over to look at Hux, meeting his own eyes with his. He noticed Hux's eyes full of hope and concern at the same time. Kylo noticed he wasn't getting as much sleep as usual, which was not much but recently he had been in other words, stressed. Kylo thought he would not make this more difficult than it had to be. They were both tired.

"Ok, but I want Amidala to meet her in a non-training setting first, but I trust your judgment."

Hux smiled, fake, but Kylo took it as a win.

Hux pulled Kylo down on the bed, mumbling something Kylo couldn't quite pick up. He felt Hux's face come up to his neck, resting between him and the pillow. He could feel the man's stress still on him. Kylo sighed, moving Hux closer to him, trying to get him to relax. Eventually it worked and the both drifted off to sleep.

"I'm sorry sir, you want me to do what?"

Hux had gone to Phasma with the proposal Kylo and Hux agreed on. He definitely thought she would be taking it better.

 "I want you to train her, better than you train your Stormtroopers. She trains with Kylo but I would like to personally appoint you to train her in close combat."

Hux looked up at her, face showing no emotion but her eyes betraying her. He recognized that look, the look of fear.

"Do I have a choice?"

Hux was now getting annoyed, she wasn't telling him something he just couldn't put his finger on it.

"I will not force you to but I would hope you would, I trust you Phas, Kylo does too. You are the greatest warrior I have ever met and I hope you would train my daughter in your legacy."

He kept his eyes fixated on hers, not breaking contact, like a sick game to see who would break first.

She mumbled something Hux couldn't quite hear, she was making this more difficult than it had to be.

"I'm sorry Captain, I couldn't hear you could you repeat tha-"


Oh, that's what this is about.

Hux walked over to her now standing almost at her level, he noticed her hands were shaking, he took her hands in his and held them tightly, trying to ground her.

"What happened, that wasn't your fault Brendol had-"

"She was the only one I had, my one job, and then she was gone. I couldn't train her well enough and that, I can never get back. I can't do that to you, I can't be responsible for her if she-"

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