(End)Thank you for reading

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That's it! I am so happy to be done with this treacherous fic. I'm kidding, but in all honesty these last couple of chapters have been so emotional to write. This story is like my literal child, it had its flaws, but I wouldn't give it up for anything. I really just wanted to say thank you for anyone who read this. No matter if you read one chapter or all of them, I really appreciate the support. I started this story about a year ago and have worked on it tirelessly, trying to finish it before it hit one year. Writing this story really opened me up for new opportunities within the fandom. Kylux has a very special place in my heart. The fandom itself has helped me through so much. It gives me so much joy even just seeing comments or saves on this fic. I know it can get kind of cringy at times, but honestly, I think that's one of the joys I had writing this. it was silly and dumb, but it still had heart, and that was really all I wanted. So, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

(If there are any question or things to clear up about the Fic, don't be afraid to put it in the comments. I loved reading all of them throughout) (;

This is also not the last thing I will be writing. I literally have thousands of ideas that are in the works. So much more Kylux on the way. I think I will take a break from any big Fic's until next year and until have a strong outline for an idea. I still can't believe I had over 35 chapters for this fic, so I think I'll stick to drabbles or a couple chapter Fic's.  Also, I might do a drabble here and there of Gingerpilot or Gingerose, and some other Star Wars ships that I might want to do. I won't say anything right now, but I can tell you there is more coming so check back regularly or give me a follow. (If you would like to). Again, thank you all for the support. Luv you all (;

-"Dreams are extremely important. You can't do it unless you imagine it."- George Lucas

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