Chapter 7

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They had left an hour before the break of dawn. Way too early for Kylo but Hux was surprised he didn't complain. It would be a long day for all of them.

Hux figured he would let Amidala sleep for a couple more hours and decided to carry her to the Falcon while Kylo collected their things.

Kylo watched as they entered into the Falcon. He turned to Maratelle, handing her a full supply of credits, and also the access code to the Silencer. They couldn't have taken it with them anyway, and Maratelle could use it for her work if anything else.

"Please take care, Maratelle. It was very nice meeting you. We are forever grateful."

Maratelle smiled. Kylo could tell that she was disappointed to have them leave so soon. Maybe they would have to come back sooner.

"Thank you Kylo, please come back and visit sometime. Amidala Is such a bright girl, she reminds me of Armitage. And tell him I'm sorry I couldn't save him. He was the strongest out of all of us, just make sure he knows that."

Kylo nodded, taking the last of their bags and left.

Kylo hadn't seen the Falcon since before leaving to train with Luke.

It was a bittersweet moment. He had always wanted to be the one to pilot it next to his father, but Luke made him choose. As if he ever had a choice.

It was still the same old piece of trash that he remembered from when he was a child. Every stain still there, ripped pieces of metal coming off of the walls. Honestly this ship should have died years ago.

He set down their things into one of the older compartments, walking up into the main area. He watched as Rey was currently firing up the Falcon while Finn seemed to be cleaning out one of the older compartments. Hux was sitting down at the table, holding Amidala to his chest while she slept away. He couldn't believe they were actually doing this.

"I could take her, if it gets uncomfortable. She's not six anymore."

Hux rolled his eyes. Moving Amidala's hair away from her face. Kylo swore that there could be a literal explosion and she would sleep right through it.

"I know, don't remind me. She will probably be asleep until we get to Ilium. I'll be fine, though I think that Rey girl might need some help."

He really didn't want to leave them alone but there wasn't much they could do anyway. He smiled, nodded, and walked over to where Rey was currently trying to fly the ship, by herself, which should have been impossible.

"You know the Falcon needs two to fly it. I don't possibly see how-"

"I'm using the force, but I wouldn't mind if you actually helped before I drain myself and I pass out!"

Kylo rolled his eyes and sat down in the Co Pilot seat. It felt like just yesterday when he was going on a Smuggler run with Han. Every button familiar to his eyes.

"I haven't done this in a while."

Rey scoffed, switching on a few buttons, setting the coordinates to Endor.

"And who's fault is that?...........I'm sorry, that was uncalled for, it's just, I don't see how you could just kill and leave. Your family-"

"They loved Ben Solo; they could never accept Kylo Ren. Every time I would try to get all of them to listen to me, they brushed it off. They are the ones that left, not me. Ben is gone. He was weak, always scared of what he would become but I can't leave my true family behind. Kylo Ren has given me everything I wanted and more. I moved on, and I'm sorry."

"Well, I didn't even know you were married, let alone had a child only until a couple of months ago. Not that I could have known but I would have never guessed you and the General, but to each his own."

There was something else there, not jealousy but longing. He had never truly got to know her to the best extent, she probably knew his mother better than he did as of late.

"Were engaged actually, and we kept it pretty private. It didn't seem important at the time."

"Well, I could beg to differ on that, does General Ogana even know? I don't possibly know how you could keep that from her, I could have done something-"

"What? So now you see me as a person only because I have something to lose. I've always had that, you just only believed what you had heard. Han solo, Luke Skywalker, General Organa all seem to have this perfect picture of me but the don't-didn't know who I was. Who I am now. I have my family with me, I have people who care for me as I care for them. That is more than my parents or Luke ever gave me."

They both were silent after that. After a while, Rey put them into hyperspace, Kylo glancing back at Hux and Amidala every now and then.

"You care about them a lot, don't you?"

The question caught him off guard, turning back to her. He recognized those eyes. The look of being lost, being nobody to anyone, having no place in the story. Part of him actually felt bad for her.

"They mean everything to me. I would give my life to protect them both."

He watched as she turned back to look at them, Finn in the corner messing with one of the circuits, Hux and Amidala sitting together. The want in her eyes was too strong to ignore.

"You have to move on, Rey. You know they're not coming back, no matter what you do or where you go. Move on, start a family, and live your life."

He saw the hope in her eyes for mere seconds, hoping he would get through to her but then it was gone, replaced with bitterness and regret.

"We are still at war Kylo Ren, I can't stop, until it stops."

He wanted to argue with her further but was distracted by the silent descent out of Hyperspace, Illium coming into view.

Rey sat up, flicking on controls while Kylo watched everything else. He didn't know how much time they had. He didn't even know who he could trust now, but they had to be prepared, no matter what.

-"Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?" - Master Obi-wan Kenobi  (Attack of the Clones)

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