Chapter 17

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Kylo paced around the medical suit, listening to the heart monitor that was steadily beeping.

There were so many things on his mind. Armitage could have died, he would have died and it was his fault. If he didn't bring them here, none of this would have happened. His thoughts were mostly focusing on Amidala though. He was straining himself by trying to reach out to her through the Force but he didn't care. For all he knew, she was already with Palpatine. Alone. Scared.

Rey and his mother were talking outside, whispering names back and forth. Kylo knew what he had to do. If Hux wasn't here, unprotected, he would have left hours ago.

He heard the door creak open, turning around to see Rey, smiling sadly at him. He nodded for her to enter. Kylo sat down by Hux, moving some strands of hair out of his face.

"Leia said their systems haven't picked anything up yet. Her people are working on it as fast as they can."

Kylo gently grabbed Hux's hand and squeezed it, not even looking up at Rey. He couldn't just idly wait for Hux to get better and for the Risistance to do something. Kylo knew if Hux was in his position, he would have already left.

"I, I need to go. Amidala is out there with Palpatine. Alone. I have to go get her. Rey, I need you to protect him, while I'm gone. He is the only one I have besides Amidala. You have to promise me."

Rey stood up, angrily glaring at him.

"No Kylo, I won't let you go alone. We need to wait and get more information on thor location. It's suicide!"

Before Kylo could argue further, he heard the monitor beside him go off. He looked down to see Hux, with his eyes open, pointing to the breathing mask that was over his mouth.

Kylo quickly removed the breathing mask, placing it on the table beside him. Hux was still visibly bruised, but at least he was breathing on his own now.

"Kylo what.............where is Amidala? I tried to get to her, i couldn't, she's gone, I-"

"Hey, it's ok, it's ok. We'll get her back. I know she's ok.........Do you know where exactly they went, how or who took her?"

Hux sighed and closed his eyes. Kylo thought he was going to pass out again but he suddenly felt Hux grip his hand, feeling for their engadgment ring. Hux only did that for reassurance, when something was really bad and it was hell trying to talk about it. Kylo squeezed his hand in response.

"It was Pryde.......He took her. He said something about Exegol........I don't, he said something about a New Order. I don't, she just went with him, Kylo. Who knows what he's told her, I should have killed him, I-"

"Armitage, it's ok. Just breathe, we'll get her back. I promise. There has to be something else. Coordinates? Any keywords he used?

Hux was silent for the longest time until it clicked.

"Where's my outer garment?"

They had to strip him to help most of the bleeding. The gear he was wearing was soaked in blood. Kylo had tried to wash it the best he could, just to pass the time.

Rey, who was still sitting at the edge of the room, grabbed the clothes, handing it to Hux. Kylo thought Hux was losing his mind by how he was practically ripping the clothes apart. It wasn't until Hux pulled out a little data drive.

"What is it?"

Hux sighed, moving his fingers over it. Kylo looked to Rey, who only shrugged in response.

"Peavy, I think it was Peavy. He gave me this. I don't know what it is, but I think it could be something important."

Hux turned his head from Kylo to look at Rey, pleading at her to let him help.

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