Chapter 5

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It was the Millennium Falcon.

Kylo hadn't expected them to find them so soon. He gave Hux a silent plea to go back inside but Hux brushed it off. They would have to fight.

Kylo watched as his father's ship landed on the flat plain on the back of the house. They both stood in a ready position, not knowing who was going to come out.

The Falcon's pad lowered, releasing steam as it was set on the ground. The rain got heavier, drenching both him and Hux. Their lightsabers crackled whenever the rain got close to it.

Kylo wasn't surprised to see Rey or FN2187. They seemed passive about the whole situation, only standing a few feet away, under the Falcons cover.

"What are you doing here?"

Kylo could hear the thunder in the background, like the Force was trying to tell him something. Was this the fight that would end it all? He looked at Rey who was studying Hux behind him. Kylo could feel the fear radiating off of Hux. This was all his fault.

"I could ask the same thing about you. We were alerted but our scanners didn't pick anything up. Seems as if the connection was lost because of an old imperial transmission. All I did was follow the call."

Alerted? By whom? It didn't make any sense. Maratelle couldn't have known, and Amidala didn't-

Rey stepped closer, who looked both to Kylo and Hux. Kylo knew exactly who she was here for. He looked into her eyes, trying to find just the tiniest sign that he should kill her.

"Kylo, listen to me please, she needs people to protect her now, Palpatine has plans for her and we need to work together to keep her safe."

"When have you ever cared about what happens to me or my family! You will have to get through us before you get to her!"

"Kylo, don't make me do this, please. Just.......... listen!"

Kylo looked back up at her, holding his stance. He knew what to do. Before even continuing he spoke into Hux's mind, trying to give him warning.

Hux Run.

Before all of them could really react, Kylo brought his blade out to Rey's. She blocked it, now seeming more determined in her stance. They had waited long enough for this.

Hux tried to run back into the house, but Finn stopped him, pulling him back with the Force.

Kylo noticed this and separated them before Finn could fully attack. It would buy him time.

Rey and Kylo moved as if they were one, both of them synchronized with their movements. Even when killing her only teacher, she still had strong ties with the Force, but Kylo believed he was still stronger.

Hux got up, his vision blurry at the edges. He noticed his Hilt right in front of him and he crawled to grab it. He stood up almost directly with FN2187.

Kriffin Force users.

Hux was the first to attack, meeting with Finn's lightsaber. Shards of energy flying in different directions. Hux had never seen anything like it.

He was glad Kylo offered to train him for those early months they were on the Finalizer. As much experience he had in the Academy, Hux had welcomed Kylo's offer. Now it was time to see if it paid off.

They blocked back and forth, Hux glancing back over to Kylo, just trying to make sure he was ok.

Unfortunately, Finn found an opening, kicking Hux in the legs, causing him to face first to the ground. He caught hmself and looked up; Finn's lightsaber almost at his throat.

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