Chapter 3- Standing up for Ed.

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       CHAPTER 3

          I woke up feeling a little bit dizzy. Yesterday had been so hectic! I got up and went to the bathroom to clean up after which I got into a pair of faded jeans and T’s and went to the dining room. We usually use the one upstairs and the one downstairs which is bigger is mostly used when we have guests.

Everyone was at the table already and I took my seat while eating an apple.

“Good morning, loves. Hope you had a wonderful night.” I said as I sat down.

“Morning darling and thanks for the presents and been there for me.” Mum said, smiling.

“How are you dear?” dad said poking at his chicken.

“Morning, sis.” Evans and Belie both said. The maid brought my plate; we were having apple juice, mashed potatoes and chicken. We talked about the previous night and laughed at many jokes. It was the kind of breakfast I always hoped for.

         “I saw Alex White had his eyes on you. He’s a gentleman you know.” Mum said giggling. I didn’t know what was funny.

“Well, no, we just had a dance. That was all. It’s not as if I’m interested in him anyway.” I was getting uncomfortable, knowing where the discussion was heading to.

“Really? Weren’t you both at the bottom of the stairs yesterday? Only the two of you.” Belie said emphasizing her last statement. I frowned; she could be a pain in the ass.

“And he said he wants to see you again, that he’s beginning to like you.”

“Oh shut up! Were you not supposed to be going to bed?” I grumbled and she laughed.

“So you got yourself a boyfriend?” dad asked, raising his eyebrow in that teasing way of his.

 “I don’t have or want a boyfriend. I just want my Ed back.” I really shouldn’t have said that but I was so angry I wasn’t thinking.

           “What? That rascal?” mum said with an annoying look.

“Don’t call him a rascal ever again mum. Don’t ever call the man I’ll always love a again.” I wanted to cry and was angry.

“That boy doesn’t have class or social status; he didn’t even have friends in school. I don’t see what’s so special about him that you wouldn’t just forget the ras...boy and move on with your life. He’s ruining you and you don’t even know.

Alex on the other hand has all you need. What can Edward give you? What did he give you?”

              “He gave me his love, mum. His trust and I don’t care what you think about him. He might not have class or social status but he has me and everything about him is special. I don’t and won’t want Alex and don’t even try encouraging him to come here.” I said angrily.

“Oh his love you said? Then why did he abandon you and disappeared?”

“Because you were on his neck and were being bitchy! You didn’t welcome him into the house and even got him a personal chair like he had some virus, for Christ sake. How would you have felt if it were you? Put yourself in his shoes for once mum and you’d know exactly how he felt.” I was on my feet already and was talking on top of my voice. I would defend Ed anywhere and no matter the condition, even though he left me.

“You bad mouth Ed again; I swear to grandpa’s grave, you won’t ever see me again. I promise you.” With that I walked out on her.

“Fiona...Fiona, come back here!” I headed upstairs, grabbed my keys and slammed the door. I was going out of this Mansion of Hell!

Hi, hi, so what do you think about this chappie? Sorry it’s short but you know novels have short chappies too. I’m still waiting for your comments. Thank you.

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