Chapter 5- Hoping to get Ed back.

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Okay, because you guys have been supportive by reading my story and giving feedbacks, I’m uploading two chappies! Whoa.........enjoy and don’t forget to VOMMENT.

                CHAPTER 5

           I woke up with Ed’s picture still in my hands. I flung it off in annoyance, he was the guy who left me and while he’s probably enjoying his life with another girl, I’m still here brooding over him. I cursed silently and got my ass off the bed. I pressed the bell button that goes to the kitchen and one of the kitchen staff picked the receiver.

“Good morning, Miss Fiona. What may I get you?” it was Lora’s voice, I know all the staff member’s name and voices by heart and there were about 25 of them.

“Morning Lora, can you please bring a cup of lemonade to my room?” I said politely, mum would have just ordered her. I guess that was the reason why all of them didn’t really like mum, they only respected her.

“Of course. Sheila will bring it now.”

“Okay then, thanks.”

“You’re welcome and have a nice day, Miss.”

“I will and you too.” I said and pressed the disconnect button. Just as I picked up the shoe I’d left lying by the sofa, Sheila knocked and came in with a glass and jug of lemonade.

          “Here you are, Miss.” She said as she placed the tray on the table.

“Thank you. You can go.” She closed the door and I poured myself a glass of lemonade. I drank it in a jiffy; I was so thirsty for it. One annoying thing that came to my mind was the fact that, it was Ed’s favourite early morning drink.

I decided to call Florence and tell her about my admission. I’d wanted to call her since I got it but my excitement made me forget.

              “Hello bestie. How are you doing?” Florence could not contain her excitement and neither could I.

“Bestie, guess what?”

“What? You’re pregnant? Come on you know I don’t like suspense.” I laughed at her and she faked an angry tone.

“Well, I just got an admission into the University of California to study Management for just two years!” she screamed with joy and I bet whoever is beside her will want to spank her. We did the hooting sound we used to do back in high school and laughed at the memories.

“Oh bestie, I’m so happy for you. So when are you leaving? Have you booked your flight?” that was Florence, she helps you plan and remember things you’d have forgotten.

“Thank you dear, I booked my flight yesterday and school would be resuming next Monday. So, I’d leave on Saturday. How’s your work going? Pretty good, I guess?”

                “Okay then. Work’s fine but can be a bit demanding sometimes. I’m coping anyway plus I think my boss is crushing on me.”

“Oh, oh, do I see a love triangle here? Do you like him? What about Michael?” I said a bit confused.

“I don’t like him and I and Michael are still together and stronger. I still can’t believe he persuaded his family to move here just for me.” I smiled

“That’s better cos I don’t want you breaking his heart. If you do, I’ll personally skin your ass.” We both laughed.

             “So, have you heard anything about Ed? You know, maybe his whereabouts or something.” I sighed.

“I haven’t heard of anything about him and I’m desperately trying to get him off my head. I even met a guy, Alex White, he’s the son of ‘lovely brides’, you remember the shop, don’t you?”

“Yes I do.”

“Well, he’s been trying to get my attention but he just annoys me the more. I don’t know what to do now but I guess going to school will get him off my mind, I mean Ed.” She sighed and we didn’t say anything for a while.

“I know Ed is coming back for you. That I am sure of but when he does, you must punish him for what he’s made you gone through.” She said hopefully.

“I doubt that but let’s wait and see. Your lunch time is over so, get that ass of yours back to work.” We laughed and said our byes, and then I hung up.

           The rest of the day was a blur other than when I went shopping for clothes, bags, shoes, stationeries and some other things. I’d promised belie I’d give her my laptop, she’s always wanted one but mum said she was too spoilt. I bought a new laptop and changed the old one’s case to pink, belie’s favourite colour. She went mad with joy when I gave it to her and couldn’t thank me enough. Evans got my PSP player and that settled it.

“Consider those, my farewell gifts.” I said as I climbed the stairs.

“Thanks, Fiona.” Evans said, belie was already absorbed in whatever she was doing on the system. I bet she’d soon call her friends.

**               ****             ****              *****              ******

      Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, I was at home getting ready to travel and reading. I’d browsed about my course and knew what to expect and what was expected of me. I occasionally went to the pool to swim or take a walk in the garden in the evenings. Alex came to visit me on Thursday but I told Evans to tell him I was sleeping and I wasn’t to be woken. Very soon I’d leave Washington for him and I’d finally be left in peace!

            On Friday, I called dad to tell him I’d be travelling the next day. He was very happy to know that I’d been given an admission and asked for what I needed. I told him I needed to get a house and a car since I won’t be staying on campus. He promised to get them for me as soon as I got to California. All I needed to do was get a house and send the bill to his account, the car he’d send himself. Mum wasn’t pleased about the arrangement but I didn’t care. She was complaining about not staying on campus and choosing California when I could have stayed in Washington.

There was nothing she could do because I had made up my mind and dad was willing to support me.

“Thanks dad, I love you. I promise I’ll be good.”

“Alright, dear. Be careful.” I hung up and sighed with relief. I was finally taking my next step into the future.

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