Chapter 31- Ed's company's ready.

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               On the 4th of January, Ed rushed into the house to tell me his company was finally ready and would be officially declared open on the 23rd of the same month. “Are you serious?” I shouted as I hugged him, congratulating him. “Yes I am, love. In two weeks time, it will be declared open by Australia's Minister of Work.” He said and kissed my nose. I passed the news to the family during lunch and everyone congratulated him. “That’s so good, I’m really happy for you.” Mum said and patted his hand. “Good job, congrats. You’re now your own boss. I guess I should suggest a partnership deal with your company, you know an architectural and furniture making company will go hand in hand.” Dad said and I nodded in agreement. “That would be nice, thank you very much for welcoming me into your family.” Ed replied and mum shifted uncomfortably. “Ow! Ed, don’t mention that, let’s put the past behind us.” Mum said and he nodded. Preparations started at once; the guest list, food and drinks, event decorations, the bands and artist that’d play and so on.

             The two weeks was a busy one and I and Ed compiled the list of names he’d written and added them to the name list his company had sent. His company offered to take care of the event decoration and bands since they were in Australia and the rest of the preparations, dad insisted he’d take care of. Two days before the opening ceremony, we flew to Adelaide, Australia and I couldn’t stop thinking of what would happen as soon as everything was over. Ed would definitely settle down there, what would become of me? Would the relationship continue as a long distance one or should I look for a job in Australia? I didn’t know what to do but I was going to sit down and analyse it when the celebration was over. Florence met us at the airport and we rushed into each other’s arm. It was my first time in the country and Ed promised to take me out later in the night. “You’d realise this place is more beautiful than U.S.A.” he said. “I bet it doesn’t.” I insisted and Florence laughed trying not to take sides. “Okay, we shall see later in the night.” Ed said and raised his hands in surrender.

            We got into the cars that came for us and went to King’s Palace Hotel, one of the most expensive hotels in Adelaide. We were checked in and I quickly showered and rested my jetlag legs. Other guests were arriving and Ed had to stay at the lounge and welcome them, leaving us with no time for ourselves. “Are you dressed?” he asked as he entered my room. “Yeah, I was waiting for you.” I replied and wore my shoes. “The guests that have arrived have been settled, so let’s disappear before new troops arrive.” He said and we left the hotel hurriedly. We toured almost everywhere and I finally had to agree the town was so beautiful. “Adelaide is very beautiful at night.” He said as we passed by the cinema. “It sure is.” I agreed. “Take me to your company; I can’t wait to see it.” I said and looked at his face. “I want it to be a surprise, so you’d have to wait till the ceremony.” He replied and drew me into his side, his arms around my shoulders. “Okay, but I’m getting so impatient.” I mumbled and he chuckled. “Patience, lady... patience.”

            We went back to the hotel and he waited in my room till I slept, he couldn’t sleep with me because he still had to attend to some late arrivals. My Ed of yesterday, who had no class, social status or wealth, now flowed in them. It was unbelievable and I was glad I believed in him. “Good night.” He whispered as I pretended I’d slept so he could go and attend to the arriving guests. I finally slept off and dreamt of a dream I couldn’t remember when I woke up the next morning. “Good morning, sweetie.” Evans said as I opened my door for him. “Hey dear, how was your night?” “Great, we waited up for you last night, went out with Ed for that long?” he said and sat on my bed. “Yeah, he took me round the town and refused to take me to his company.” I said. “Of course he wouldn’t. That won’t make it fun for any of us, since you’d definitely tell us all.” Evans said and we laughed. “Anyway, just wanted to check on you. I’m going to freshen up; I met a cute girl yester night when you were touring.” He said. “Hhmmn... really? What’s she like? You have to introduce her to me.” I said. “Very beautiful and she’s Asian, her name’s Mia Khan. Not as beautiful as you though.” Evans replied and disappeared before I could make a comment. I chuckled as he closed the door. An Asian girl? That sounds cute. I cleaned up too and went to meet the family at the pool side where they were having their own special breakfast. I ate cornflakes and lots of apple.

              “If the growers of apple know how much of it you consume, they’d give you a land full of apples.” Belinda joked and they all laughed. “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” I said to her and made them laugh harder. “So has Evans told you guys about his new crush?” “Oh come on Fiona. That’s suppose to be our little secret, so say no more.” Evans said and I disappeared with Ed as they tried forcing him to talk about the girl.

              Ed took me to the penthouse he lived in when he was still in Australia and I marvelled at the thought of him having a penthouse. “It’s really beautiful.” I said. Even the outside was breathtaking and I wondered what I’d find in the inside. “Wait till you get inside.” He said and smiled at me. He placed his thumb print on the security system beside the door and then had an eye scan which then popped out a keyboard on which he typed a pass code. “Wow, so much security. Why?” I asked as the door opened and we entered a corridor. Do penthouses have corridors before you enter the living room? “I didn’t want just anyone to enter when I decided I was going to California and besides the things in here are very expensive. My company got it for me when I won the best employee of the year. Now that I’m back I’d remove all the security system.” He answered and we entered the living room. One side of the wall was all glass and it gave a grand view of the city. “Won’t it break if something hits it?” I asked, worried about his safety. “Its burglar proof bullet proof and even a truck can’t break it. It’s fifteen pounds thick.” He said and I stood in front of the glass with amazement. The whole place was painted in snow white and even the furniture and curtains and other house items were white. I trailed my hand on the settee made from white bear fur. “Made it myself.” Ed said proudly. “It’s beautiful but I don’t like people exploiting wild life.” I replied. “I don’t like it either. That’s why it’s not real fur. It was made by Essence.” He said and I looked at him with disbelieve.          

             “It’s not real fur? It looks and feels like, I’ve touched enough to know their feel.” I argued. “That’s why Essence is the leading company in Australia and would soon be the best in the world.” Ed replied and I sat on it. It felt really comfy and I felt like going on a journey to wonderland. He sat beside me as we looked into each other’s faces, our lips touched and we deepened the kiss, our tongue probing into each other’s mouth. His left hand held me closer while the other gently squeezed my breast. “Your breasts feel much sexier and fuller.” He said and took a nipple into his mouth. I unbuttoned his shirt and ran my hands all over his broad chest. I nibbled his nipple and he moaned and grabbed me closer still. He removed his jeans and helped me out of my dress, hairpins fell to the floor and he went back to sucking my breasts. I moaned in pleasure and held his head tighter not wanting him to stop. He raised his head back up and we kissed fervently. He slid off my panties while I slid off his briefs too. I caressed his manhood and watched him groan with pleasure.

             “You’re torturing me, Fiona.” He whispered and I smirked. “I so much love seeing you this way.” I whispered back. He laid me on the settee and I pulled him on top of me. He nudged my legs apart and thrust into me... the earth stopped existing as we were plunged into a different universe where all that exists are passion, pleasure, fulfilment and...and...ecstasy. We snuggled in the afterglow and I tried counting the number of times we’d made crazy love. In the kitchen, bathtub, on the dining table, couch, floor, while standing...”What are you thinking of?” Ed broke into my thoughts. “I was thinking of how much I’d love you if you can do this one more time.” I said. “Well, your boy’s capable.” He said and we went through the journey one more time, then we slept in his bedroom afterwards.

Another lovely scene... thanks for VOMMENTING on the previous chappies and I bet you’d do the same for this chappie. This chappie’s titbit is a question and it goes thus;

What will you do if you walk in on your best friend and boy/girl friend making out? Feed backs please...


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