Chapter 11- Year two begins...

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I got back to California on the 15th of March, 2008, for my second year in school. Everywhere had changed, the streets had been repainted, the school had also been repainted and new structures were being erected. My next door neighbour, Mrs. McCarthy had put up a ‘for sale’ sign in front of her house but she’d moved out.

         I walked over to Maxwell's house but didn’t meet anyone at home. He’d know I’ve returned when he sees my car. I went back into the house and checked if everything were in order. Everything was fine and max told me he’d got some cleaners to clean the house three days before. I settled into the sofa and called dad.

“Hey dear, I assume you’re settled, right?” he said.

“Yes dad, I just got home now. Everything’s okay.”

“Alright will talk to you later. Your mum’s saying hi.”

“Say me well to her, bye.”

“Bye dear.” I heard something like a moan and hung up. Gosh I was interrupting their love making. I smiled at the thought and brought out the magazines I didn’t have time to go through in the plane. I checked the latest trends, I’ve always been a fashion freak but my things are always unique. The door bell rang and I went to open the door. Max flew into my arms and hugged me so tight I thought my spine will break.

        “Oh fi, you’re back, went to the cinema with mum and I saw your car outside. I actually gave mum the key to drive home. How was your break?” he said.

“It was fine and I missed you.” I said as we sat on the sofa.

“I missed you more. I was tempted to come to Washington but mum needed me around.” He pulled me into another tight hug and kissed my head. It was so nice seeing him again and I leaned into his hug. We watched TV and ordered Chinese and fortune cookies and ate and talked late into the night.

“Pass the cookies, please.” I said and he did. I opened my wrap.

‘Love is knocking at your door’ I read aloud and he laughed.

“Maybe it’s me.” He said jokingly and I smiled. These fortune cookies could be funny and dumb sometimes.

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          On Monday, the 16th, we resumed school and lectures started immediately except for the freshers. (Wow I was once a fresher) Melissa hadn’t resumed, it was only I, Brian and Maxwell.

“Happy resumption! How was your hols? I missed you.” Brian said as I entered the class and took my seat beside him.

“I missed you too and hols was fine. How was yours?”

“It was fine too.” The lecturer entered and we stopped talking. We were having more subjects now and so we went to the bookstore to get some new textbook. I didn’t see max for the rest of the day, I guess he was busy leaving one lecture for another.

             Melissa resumed the following week and had to catch up on the work we had done. She’d travelled to India, which was why she resumed late. Our ‘Fantastic four’ group was complete again and we studied together mostly at my house. We had test two weeks after and came out in flying colours.

“So how are you preparing for your forthcoming birthday?” Brian asked me. It was almost April 7th again. How time flies!

“I’m not celebrating it, I’m just gonna keep my cool. You guys mustn’t even dare think of throwing me a bash cos I won’t come.” I said emphasizing the ‘won’t’. They nodded in understanding and we continued with our discussions.

                Someone had moved into Mrs. McCarthy’s house and the three times I went there to welcome whoever it was, I met nobody. The third time, I left a note. The person got it but obviously wanted to be left alone. After we’d finished with the plenty homework, we sat in front of the TV and watched the music channel. Melissa brought out fortune cookies which we didn’t know she had and we almost wrestled her to get it.

            “Hey, I’ve got one for everybody. Don’t kill me.” She said almost choking on her words. Everyone settled down and she handed us one, each.

‘He’s in love with you but you act so free he’s not sure if he should tell you.’ Melissa read and we all looked at Brian.

“Why are you all looking at me?” he defended himself and we looked away but I knew he was in love with Melissa. I’d always known. I gave him a knowing look and he gave me an admitting look. Wow! We’ve got lovers.

‘Love comes around.’ I read and they all raised their eyebrows.

            Brian’s read, ‘waste not, want not. You are losing time.’ And max’s read, ‘behind every cloud is a silver lining. Be happy.’

“I’m happy.” He said and we all laughed. Something told me something unexpected was going to happen. But what? They spent the night at my place and we had to force ourselves to go to bed. We wanted to talk all night.

I’ve tried enough, you should all VOMMENT. The next chapter is going to be a cliff hanger. I can’t wait to post it. Chao..........

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