Chapter 27- Showing off my guy.

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On Monday morning, I woke up a bit late but luckily for me, there were no classes again because of the exams that was going to start on the following Wednesday. I rolled out of bed and Ed had to catch me to prevent me from hitting my head on the floor. “What a nice way to say good morning, uhn?” I said to him. He laughed at me and pulled me up. “It’s because you’re not used to my bed yet. How was your night?” he asked. “Yeah I guess. I had a peaceful sleep.” I said putting on my robe. He was dressed already and I perceived the smell of something cooking. It was 8:45am and I had to be in school at half past nine, to collect our exam I.D card. “You’re late, right?” Ed asked and I nodded. I rushed into the bathroom to clean up and in 10minutes was out and got dressed.

          I got into a blue jeans and white shirt and white high heels. I went downstairs to eat breakfast which was toast bread, tea and scrambled eggs. “I’ll drop you off at school. Call me when you’re done so I can pick you up.” Ed said as we ate breakfast. He drove me to school at 9:15am and everyone around couldn’t take their eyes off us. I got out of the jeep before he could come and open the door for me. We met half way in front of the car and I kissed him. I was showing off my guy. “See you later.” He said. “Okay, I’ll call you. Love you.” I replied. “Love you too.” He said caressing my cheek and watched me leave. I looked back again and waved as he drove out of my department’s compound. “You guys fit each other perfectly.” Mike, one of my classmates said. I smiled at him before someone else interrupted us.

        “Sorry, isn’t that Edward White, the leading worker in Australia?” a girl I often see around asked me. I nodded and she covered her mouth with her hands to stifle a scream. “Wow! Is he your boyfriend?” she asked again. “Yeah, he has been my guy since high school.” I said again and she just stood there looking stunned while I walked into the building, feeling on top of the world. News would soon spread.

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“Ed dropped you in school?” max asked as we met at the cafeteria. We all had our I.D cards and were free to go home. “Yeah, how did you know?” I asked. I already knew the answer to that but just wanted to hear it. “It’s all over the school. Everyone’s talking about the guy with many awards in Australia and how hot he is and that you both were kissing in front of the department.” Brian replied. Melissa and Brenda smiled and I nodded. “Well I only kissed him bye, it wasn’t as if we were kissing like they put it. At least they all know I’m hooked now, and would stop disturbing me.” We laughed and ate popcorns which we ended up scrambling for. Brenda started it when she grabbed max’s bowl and I grabbed Brian’s. We started grabbing each other’s bowl and dipping our hands into it. People stared at us at first but when they saw it was us, they just shrugged and some laughed. We were quite popular in school and they know we often have our crazy moments.

             “Gotcha!” I said as I ate the last of the popcorn and the others frowned. “Oh they’re sulking.” We burst into laughter again and got up. Everyone’s eyes followed me and two people came asking if Ed was really my boyfriend. I answered all their questions and they left when they were satisfied. When we got outside the department, I called Ed to pick me up and so that everyone can feed their eyes again.

“Hey love, had a nice day?” he asked as he got out of the car and kissed my nose. “Yeah, quite eventful, everyone’s been asking about you.” I replied and he smiled. He went to meet Melissa and the others and they chatted like old friends while a crowd gradually gathered, every one of them trying to introduce themselves to Ed. “Edward White?” a girl walked over to him. Ed looked back. “I knew it; I could recognise you from behind.” She introduced herself and they shook hands. People mingled with him and asked different sort of questions. Some asked how he rose up the ladder of fame in a year. “Determination, hard work and knowing someone you love is watching and waiting.” He said and pulled me into a hug, telling them who the person was. “That person is Fiona.” He said and they clapped and cheered. I started getting some jealous wicked looks but who told them I give a damn? Finally, at last, we were able to get into the car and drive out of the school.

                 “I’m practically well known.” He said. “Yeah, you’re a celebrity big time. Wait till you officially declare your company open and you’d see how much fans you have.” I said happily. He turned off the engine as we got into his driveway and carried me into the house. When we got inside, I turned on the music player and made him dance with me till we got tired, then I settled down to glance through my books for the last time and got ready for the exams. I read into the night and didn’t eat dinner except some apples that I had. I love apples so damn much; I think I’ve told you that before. “It’s late Fi, come into bed.” Ed said as he turned to his side of the bed. “Coming.” I said and got into bed beside him.

Okay, that’s the end of the fourth chappie but it’s like I’d give you more chappies to keep you busy. Don’t forget to VOMMENT... that’s what really counts. So, joke or riddle for this chappie? Hhmmn.... okay, a riddle. Here it goes;

An old man has a dog, a cat and a rat which he wants to transport to his new house. He can only take one pet at a time. He cannot leave the dog and the cat because the dog will end up chasing the cat around, he also cannot leave the cat and the rat, we all know what’d happen if he does that. How will he transport the pets? Remember, he can only take one at a time. So solve the riddle......

Next chappie??? Let’s see....


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