Chapter 4- I got an admission

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This chapter is dedicated to my very first fan, LiannaSellitto. Thanks for reading and please give feedbacks so I'd know how I'm doing and....VOTE!


I concentrated on the laptop before me and noted all the universities that offered Management and minimal school fees, and then I proceeded to looking for the top 10 universities in the State. After scrutinizing them all, I decided to go for the University of California and they even said I could study for just two years depending on how fast I am at learning and my high school results.

That was easy; I forwarded my results to them and gave my principal's email address so they can get a reference from him.

"I can see someone's busy looking for a school." I didn't have to raise my head to know who it was. Why does he have to come to this restaurant now?

"Well, that's what someone's doing and if you don't mind you can just leave someone alone, since someone's busy and doesn't have time for chit chat." I said sarcastically without looking up.

"Aw! You don't have to be so mean, Fiona. I'm just trying to be friendly here." Alex said sitting beside me without even asking for permission.

"Right, I know but I'm actually really snappy now and that's why I left home, I don't want to talk to anybody." I said filling the form that had appeared on the screen.

"I take it that someone annoyed you at home. Right?" why was he being so pushy, should I tell him? Maybe that will make him leave me the hell alone and know I'm not interested in him.

"Yes. Mum bad mouthed my boyfriend and after telling her my mind in the rudest way I've ever done, I stomped out." He let out a small knowing sigh.

"You have a boyfriend? Don't tell me it's that boy...uh what's his name again? Edward?"

"Oh yes, that's him, my boyfriend." I wondered where he got the story from but it didn't matter, most people know about it anyway.

"So where's he?" I know what he was driving at and instead of replying him, I closed my laptop, asked for my bill but he offered to pay it, well much better don't you think? Then I left without a word.

"You don't know where he is, right?" he called at me as I swung the door. Idiot! There were tears rolling down my cheek and I wiped it with my kerchief.


By the time I got home, mum and dad had already left for their short break in Paris. I entered my room and changed into my swim wear and met Evans at the pool.

"That was really nice you know, standing up for Ed. Mum couldn't close her mouth for a while after you left and dad just gave her the 'I told you' look." He said as I entered the pool, legs first.

"Really? Then I guess my message sunk in. I sometimes wonder if she didn't marry dad for social status or class." Evans laughed.

"You know they both love each other, so I don't think that's possible. Mum just wants you to have the best things in life and Ed can't afford it. Sorry."

"What makes you think Ed will be poor for the rest of his life? Who knows if he's made it wherever he is now?" I said and splashed water at him. He splashed back and we started our water fight again.

"You're not leaving me out of this, are you?" belie shouted as she ran towards us and dived in.

"You're welcome to share the fun." Evans said and we turned to splash water on her. We did a little swimming competition and I won, I always win and Evans came second leaving belie trailing behind. We spent the whole afternoon in the pool and missed lunch, Eleanor complained about us wasting the food but we told her they could take the night off, which made them all happy.

I was back in my room, drying up and opened my laptop to check if my application has been replied. To my uttermost surprise it had been granted, telling me my principal had already recommended me to all the top 20 universities and it was a pleasure I chose them. Why didn't Mr. Williams tell me? Probably he wanted it to be a surprise. I punched his number into my phone and called him.

"Hello sir. This is Fiona Douglas speaking."

"Fiona! How are you doing and what have you been up to?"

"I'm fine sir and I just got an admission into the University of California to study management, for just two years!"

"Wow that's great, I recommended you to some schools when you graduated."

"Yes sir, that's exactly why I'm calling. Thank you very much and I promise I won't disappoint you." I said smiling into the phone.

"I know you won't and good luck with school. Be careful though." We said our byes and I hung up. "Now I need to get the things I'd need in school, book a flight to California and pay my acceptance and school fees." I said to myself as I settled into a chair.

I booked the flight, paid my acceptance and school fees, forwarding the bill to Dad's 'children's account' where we send the bills of anything we buy or get money from, when we are broke. At the end of the month, he'd sit us down and we'd analyse how we spent the money. None of us had ever used it for anything intangible which made us earn his trust when it comes to money.

I told Evans and belie the good news while we were eating dinner, we'd ordered Chinese and the staff had extra time to do whatever they wanted to do. Lizzy was so happy saying she had a date.

"Wow! This is good news, when will you be going? Anytime soon?" belie said with her mouth full.

"I'd be going next weekend because classes starts the following Monday."

"As much as I hate to admit this, I'd miss my big sis, a lot." Evans said, surprising me.

"I thought you said you're a big guy now." I teased him.

"Big boys are allowed to miss their big sis, aren't they?" he replied and we all laughed. Our conversation turned to other things, we talked about the crush both of them were having and the many escapades I had in high school.

"No you didn't do that" belie yelled when I told them about the day we set pins on the principal's chair in the assembly hall. He jumped so high he went off the podium and landed with a thud on the floor in front of the students.

We finally finished eating and I went to bed while both of them sat in front of the TV. It was long before I finally slept, I couldn't contain my excitement of getting into a university. My thought drifted to Ed again and I got up, opened my drawer and took out the last of his pictures I had. I'd torn the others when he vanished. I kissed the picture and hugged it, and then I drifted off to sleep. It had been long I'd held his picture in my hands and sleep.

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