Chapter 25- Hhmmmnnn.......

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I was back in California again and Ed had gone back to Australia. He was right, he had to work and see how far they’ve gone with his company. I alighted from the cab and paid the driver. Max saw me and came running to meet me.

“Hey Fi! Glad to see you’re back. I missed you so damn much.” He hugged me, tight like he always does. I hugged him back. “I miss you so damn much too. How are things over here?” I said as we released each other and walked into the house. “Things are okay here. Ed’s back in Australia, right?” he said and helped carry one of the two bags I had with me. “Nope, he’ll catch his flight tomorrow morning. I miss him already.” We took the bag upstairs and been too tired and sad to unpack, I just left it there and went back to the sitting room. He beeped Melissa and Brian and told them to come over.

“So you ready for 400L? You should have read enough books by now, right?” max asked as he punched the numbers. It occurred to me that I didn’t even open a book at home. All I did was hang around with Ed and make wild love to each other. I smiled at the thought until max broke in.

“Hey! You’re off to wonderland. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I just realised I didn’t read at all. That means I have a lot of catching up to do. So are they coming?” I asked and went to the refrigerator to pick a bottle of wine. The door bell rang and max went to get the door. “Here they are.” Max said as the two burst in and there was someone else too. Brenda?

“Hello Fiona! Good to see you again.” Melissa screamed and we rushed to meet each other like mad dogs. Brian and max chuckled and Brenda didn’t know what to say. “Come give your big bro a hug, lil’ sis.” Brian said as we moved towards each other. We hugged each other and Brenda shifted uncomfortably.

“Welcome back Fiona. I brought this for you.” She said and handed me a big welcome back card. “Oh Brenda, it’s so nice of you. These guys have never welcomed me with cards before. All they do is scream and hug me till I feel my spine is going to break.” Everyone laughed and she felt more at home. She moved to max’s side who pecked her on the nose.

“At least we welcome you and you love it.” Brian said. “Yeah, I do love you guys.” I nodded at them and we popped the wine. “To success in this semester.” Brenda toasted. We raised our wine glass and clinked them. “To success in this semester.” We all chorused. “So are you guys dating?” I couldn’t wait to hear the gist. Max blushed while Brenda smiled.

“Yeah we are. Two weeks now and she’s a wonderful person, really.” Max said and we made another toast to them. We played music and danced till we were tired. My thoughts drifted back to Ed but I wasn’t sad anymore. I fingered the locket on my neck; I’d never remove it save when I want to bathe. Wait! It’s waterproof? Oh! That just makes it easier and better.

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            “Fiona, you have done well in both your academics and extracurricular activities, and therefore you’d get an outstanding award at the end of the semester if you keep up the good work. Congratulations in advance and well done.” Mr. Martins, the registrar said. I’d gone to his office to register the new courses I’d be taking in my final year. “Thank you very much sir. I promise to keep it up.” I said as we shook hands. “You always keep your promise, don’t you?” he said and smiled. I walked out of the office and headed for my first class of the semester. The last one I’d be spending here. I’ve got three months of intensive lectures.

           Ed called to tell me he’d arrived in Australia and we talked for quite long. His company was growing beautifully; he said and should be finished in three to four months. Dad called to tell me his work was moving smoothly too and just as anticipated. He also wanted to know if I needed anything, a new car, a new house or something else.

“I’m okay, dad. Thank you.”

“Alright then, bye, talk to you later.” He answered. “Bye.” I hung up and sighed as I drove into the shopping mall. I needed new clothes, most of the ones I had had been given to Belinda and her friends. They practically fought over them. I got ten new dresses of different flashy colours. It was summer and we wear bright colours, right? I got shoes to match each pair of dresses and got a new batch of cosmetics. It was 6pm when I finally got home. I went to max’s to say hello to his mum and give her the shoe I bought for her. It was a black pump. She couldn’t thank me enough and we chatted till max got back home at 7:30pm.

            I left for my house, settled into my desk and read my books. I can’t afford to mess up my final year. The doorbell rang and I rushed to get the door. “Who’s that?” I shouted. “Delivery service. Is this the residence of Miss Fiona Douglas? The guy shouted back. “Hold on.” I unlatched the door and opened it. He was handsome, had baby blue eyes and blond hair. He smiled at me and checked me out, practically. “I’m Fiona. What can I do for you?” I brought him out of his reverie. I had that charm on guys, it even worked on max. He handed me a wrapped box, ‘from Ed.’, it said and smiled. I placed it on the table beside the door and looked back at Clement that was what his name tag read. “Thank you.” He nodded and turned to go reluctantly. I closed the door and opened the gift. The J'adore perfume set. ‘I hope you’d take it now. I’m sorry for everything. I love you always, Ed.’ “You don’t have to be sorry for anything, Ed. I love you too.” I said to myself and decided to call him.

“Hello love.” I said as he picked up the phone. “Hey sweetheart, what’s up?” he replied. “I just got your gift, thank you.”

“Oh you’re welcome. I’m missing you and it’s like a chain is holding me right now to prevent me from coming to get you in the next 24hrs.” We laughed and talked for a while before hanging up. I ate some apples and went to bed.

Well I hope you enjoyed the chappie and thank you all for voting and fanning. I’m gradually rising up the ‘what’s hot’ list though I sometimes fall back but anyway I’m on it. That’s the spirit. THE NEXT CHAPPIE....but before that, another joke for you.

There was a pregnant woman who was having an affair so on one unlucky day, the man was having sex with her and then all of a sudden, the foetus grabbed the man’s dick and said, “My eyes! My eyes! Mr. Man you’ve blinded me and you’re going nowhere today. My father must meet you like this.”

What would happen to the two? ...hahaha. Next chappie....

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