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"Mom! Please look... he's crying and he's all dirty and hurt! Please let's take him with us!" Jaemin continued to plead. He didn't know why, but as soon as he saw the kid he only wanted to stay close to him.

"I already tol-" The mother couldn't even finish the sentence as she saw Jaemin sprint towards the little boy.

"Heyo! What's your name? Are you alright?" Jaemin asked.

"M-my name i-is Jeno" a cute little kid with black hair answered.

"Do you have a mom? When yes where is she?"
The police had already come at that time, Mr.Na getting arrested, divorce papers, money there, money to everyone, yet the people in the factory still had to get released.

"M-my mommy is working in the other room" Jeno whispered.

Jaemins mom had heard, so she went into the room where usually the woman's worked.
"Is there the mom of a certain Jeno here?"

"Yes! I'm here! Is Jeno alright?" The woman sounded worried, as she ran towards Minyoung.

"Gaeul? Is that you?"

"Minyoung oh my god!" The woman, gaeul bursted into tears.
"W-what are you doing here?" Minyoung questioned.
Minyoung and Gaeul...... best friends. That's how everyone knew them back then. Until, one day everything broke down.

"Jeno is your child? Oh my god he's with Jaemin right now! Come on, let's go" Minyoung brought her into the main hall.

In the mean time, Minyoung told the police officers to go and collect the children and bring them to their respective mothers, and finding them a place to stay at until she'll be able to pay them for the damages.

"You're ok now! Your mommy is going to come soon!" The little Jaemin caressed Jenos head, who was crying in his arms.

Minyoung's eyes melted at the sight, and silently complimented herself for raising such a good child.

"Oh Jeno!" Gaeul ran to his son, taking him in her arm. It's been about a week since she last saw her son, a torture, she was working always just thinking about how Jeno was doing right now.

"Gaeul? Why didn't i know that you worked here?" Minyoung questioned her old friend. Jaemin was now in her arms, quietly exchanging glances with Jeno, who was in his mothers arms.

"Wongkyung made me promise to not tell you, he didn't want us to be close again" Gaeul sobbed.

"Why are you working here though? What happened to your husband? Didn't you move to New York?" Minyoung had so many unanswered questions.

"I-I needed money, a-and this was the only option, b-but then he asked me to m-make Jeno work, a-and I told him I wouldn't let that happen, but he f-forced me" Gaeul told her.

"That bastard" The older woman, cussed.

"Then, before all this happened, I found out that junhan was cheating on me, so I-I left him, and took Jeno with me, but I didn't have anything else left so I came back here, and all this happened"

Minyoung and Gaeul were now hugging, both Jeno and Jaemin squished between them.

"Come on, let's fix you all up, let's go to my house"

(A/N): the next chapters will already be the future

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