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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

"Okay I can do this!" Jeno cheered himself up, it was now Saturday 5:30pm and he was going to go pick up Jaemin

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"Okay I can do this!" Jeno cheered himself up, it was now Saturday 5:30pm and he was going to go pick up Jaemin.

"C'mon you got this! Anyways I'm going out too, see you tomorrow" and mark already dashed out of the door.

"Haechan right?" Jeno chuckled to himself, mark was whipped, it's not like he's any better though.

Jeno made his way out of the door, taking the car keys and some extra hoodies if it'll get cold later.

He was wearing a white blouse with light blue jeans, a black belt, white converse and a yellow jeans jacket on top.

He was wearing a white blouse with light blue jeans, a black belt, white converse and a yellow jeans jacket on top

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(Just imagine him older)

Jeno somewhat felt a lot more like himself today, happier? Prettier? Nicer? He doesn't know, he just knows this is all thanks to Jaemin. His happiness, his courage, his confidence, was all brought by the younger. Just one look from Jaemin would make him feel something he's never felt before.

He entered the car, turning the radio on, as he drove to jaemins house.

When Jeno had arrived, he was more nervous than expected, yet he knew everything would go well. He felt it.

He slowly went and rang the doorbell.

The door opened revealing the one and only Na Jaemin in all his glory.

He was wearing a white printed t-shirt, that was probably some sizes bigger and light blue ripped jeans with dark blue converse.

(His hair light brown and he had a dark blue jeans jacket with him)

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(His hair light brown and he had a dark blue jeans jacket with him)

"Hi" Jaemin shyly smiled.

"Hi" Jeno smiled back.

It wasn't awkward, even though it might seem like it. They were already comfortable with each other.

"Let's go?" The older softly asked.

"Let's go"

(A/N): short again ik

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