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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

"Why is mark holding onto that ugly brat like that? That should be me!" Leia, a second year student, exclaimed as the group passed by them

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"Why is mark holding onto that ugly brat like that? That should be me!" Leia, a second year student, exclaimed as the group passed by them.

"Oh my god! Just leave him alone, he isn't yours!" Her 'friend' Judy said.

"But he will be" the girl smirked, without noticing someone else that was watching them, planning something more evil.


Orientation had finished, and it took so long that it was already lunch time. They'd have vocal and dance classes later on, and some basic classes in the next days.

"So? How do you like it so far?" Mark's question was directed towards the whole group, that was seated at Mark's usual table.

People were eyeing them in a wrong way. Completely not understanding why mark was sitting with freshmen. Yeah they knew that he was super friendly, but mark usually sat with Lucas, Chaeyoung, Yeonjun and some other people.

"Why do they keep staring at me like that" Jeno complained. Girls were eyeing him everywhere he went, the older had no chance to feel comfortable like this.

"Dude, maybe it's because you're just their type" Mark observed. The power of the Lee's.

Jeno was going to answer but he got interrupted by someone who approached their table.

"Markie, Yeonjun's searching for you, he said he had to ask you something, I have no idea about what so go and search him or text him, I don't really care" A girl, blonde short hair that was slicked back, dressed all black with round earrings, literally the definition of girl boss, said.

"M'Kay chae, I'll go to him later" Chaeyoung then only nodded, as she walked away.

"Who was that?" Chenle curiously asked, she was pretty intimidating.

"Ah she's apart of our friendgroup, actually she's the only girl" mark observed, he himself didn't know why Chaeyoung was the only girl, yet they seemed to all get along pretty well.

"I think that was the literal definition of a goddess" Haechan commented. Instead of being jealous because she called his boyfriend 'Markie' he was more like astonished with how she looked like. Don't get him wrong, he's gay, not blind.

Mark raised a brow at the youngers comment.

"Hyung i'm as straight as a bendable ruler. You know I didn't mean it that way" Haechan commented.

Jaemin chuckled at what his best friend had said, but agreed on the facts that Chaeyoung definitely was a goddess.

"Don't worry. Chaeyoung is a lesbian, she's dating Mina, a popular 3rd grader"

"I knew it! She didn't look straight at all" Haechan knew his people very well.

"So? Who's in your friendgroup hyung?" Chenle questioned, as he stole a a French fry from jisung's plate, making the younger slap his hand.

"There's Lucas, oh he's right over there! That giant with that big goofy smile" mark pointed at Lucas, who had noticed and waved back at the younger.

"He looks like the friendliest and dumbest person on earth" Mark's boyfriend observed.

"That was actually a very accurate way to describe him" mark agreed.

"Then there's chaeyoung, a boy named Yeonjun , who's probably making out with his boyfriend in some closet, then there's Dino, the best dancer in our year, Yeri literally the school's sweetheart, but she doesn't hang out with us that much anymore, and Xiaojun, who just entered now and is talking to Lucas."

Mark had pointed out everyone in his friendgroup, but he definitely had more than just a few friends.

"We're all born in the same year, that's probably why we get along so well"

Suddenly, a bang was heard, and someone collided with the ground.

(A/N): I'm writing this instead of sleepin

:maybe this gonna be the only update for today. I'm sorry :( it's just that I'm stuck in writing the last two chapters...

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