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"Jaemin....." Jeno sighed. It's not like he didn't want to tell Jaemin, because damn, he would have told Him his whole life if he was allowed to.

"I'm sorry but, don't you think I deserve answers? You just disappeared like that, I kept on coming back to the park after that night but you were never there" Jaemin explained, he waited seated on that bench for hours, just to see if Jeno was gonna come or not, he never did.

"I'm sorry Jaemin, I'm not allowed to give you the answers you want" Jeno sat up and then let his head hung low. He wanted so bad, but those stupid promises, those stupid promises he shouldn't have made.

"why is that?" Jaemin was now sitting too, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Personal reasons"

"I understand, you don't have to tell me, I don't want you to feel pressured. I'm willingly to wait" Jaemin then got the courage and intertwined their hands.

Jeno then got startled as he looked up.

"Oh I'm sorry, i didn't mean to scare you" Jaemin slowly pulled his hand away, but before he completely could, Jeno put it back together,

"Don't worry, I like it" and now, they were sitting near each other, hands intertwined as Jeno put his head on Jaemin shoulder.

They stayed like that for 10 good minutes, a comfortable silence engulfing them.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Jeno asked, and Jaemin the nodded.

They were walking alongside the beach, hand in hand, while in the sky shined thousands of stars.

"I love the beach, it's calming" the younger boy commented, receiving an 'I agree' from Jeno.

They continued to walk, before they decided to go back, since it was getting late.

Then they started packing the things in, and bringing them to the car. Jaemin insisted on helping Jeno, even though the older had clearly told him it was okay.

When they were done, they sat in the car. Both didn't want to leave each other's presence yet, they wanted to spend each second possible with each other.

"Do you want to sleep over? My mom is on a business trip"

(A/N): is it to early to make them kiss?

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