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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

It's been 2 weeks since Jaemin and Jeno had their last date, tomorrow university would start

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It's been 2 weeks since Jaemin and Jeno had their last date, tomorrow university would start.

Jaemin hadn't moved in the dorms, because he lived very near to the place.
While Jeno, instead of living in the dorm had started working and rented an apartment near the university. He didn't want to live with his mother anymore.

nono <3
you ready for tomorrow?

nana <3
I'm nervous

nono <3
Why though? 

nana <3
This isn't high school, it's Uni! And it's not
A normal Uni where everyone minds their own shit, here we have to collaborate! And I'm kinda anxious

nono <3
Nana, you're great and you know that, everyone is going to love you. And if they don't, they won't see the light of the day again 

nana <3
JENO! You aren't going to kill anyone -.- understood?

nono <3
As long as no one hurts you their fine 

nana <3

"Just Date already!" Haechan screamed, he had been peeking over jaemin's phone since at least 15 minutes now.

"W-what!" Jaemin blushed, as he brought his phone close to his chest, even though Haechan had already seen everything.

"Ugh we only went on 2 dates and you want us to be together already??!?" Jaemin screeched, Haechan was pinning Jaemin so that he couldn't get away again.

"Yes! You know each other since your 7 or not?!" Haechan insisted, his face very close to jaemin's.

"What the hell is going on here???" The door opened, revealing a confused Mark and a not-so happy Jeno.

"It's not what it looks like!" Jaemin and Haechan then bursted out laughing like two crazy chicks.

"HAHAHAHHA IMAGINE AHAHAHSHAHHSBWHENS" Jaemin was dying, his abs hurting.

"BAHAHAHAHAH" Haechan fell down the couch now, rolling on the floor.

"W-we we're j-just talking" Jaemin said, trying to keep the tears in.

"Okay?" Mark chuckled, finding Haechan's face way too funny.

Jeno was still confused about what was happening, but he brushed it aside, following mark and taking off his coat.

"What are you doing here by the way?" Jaemin questioned.

"I invited them" Haechan said.

"So you just invite people to my house without informing me huh" the youngest in the room raised an eyebrow at his best friend.

"Hey! You said you were cooking tonight, and let's celebrate the beginning of university!" Haechan said, now hugging marks side. The older was just staring at him adoringly.

"Okay well, you two can make yourselves at home here, Haechannie is going to help me cook, and Jeno you know where everything is if you need something" Jaemin instructed.

"Aha so he knows where everything is? Why is that?"

(A/N): hi
~ guess what my Markhyuck fic is about
Hint: her

~ guess what my nct Dream fic is about?
Hint: fantasy

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