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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

"They're really made for each other" Haechan cooed, as closed the door

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"They're really made for each other" Haechan cooed, as closed the door. He had went up to check up on the two after some time, and saw them all cuddled up.

Chenle and Jisung had headed home, saying they'd sleep over at Chenle's, because this night didn't really went how it was supposedly planned.

"Just like us" Mark nonchalantly said, hands in his pockets, as he was leaning against the wall.

"Mhm" Haechan hummed, as took Mark's arm and dragged him somewhere.

It was on the roof of the house. There was a little room that Jaemin and Haechan had decorated, and there was a window, so you could see the stars.

Haechan and Mark sat down, hands intertwined.

"What's taking you so long?" Haechan asked, he was trying not to cry. He's been going on dates with mark since about more than 1 month now, and he was expecting to get asked out officially, but it still hadn't happened. Was he not enough? Was Mark playing with him?
Haechan had always had problems with such topics. He never wanted love, he never knew what it felt like once you fall in love, but then mark came and changed everything. It was like a hurricane. A markcane.

"What?" Mark was confused, as he saw that Haechan was on the verge of breaking down.

"No it's n-nothing forget it" the younger said, as he retracted his hand from marks.

"tell me"

"why haven't you properly asked me out yet" Haechan said so softly, it was impossible to understand him. He didn't mean a date, he meant the fact that mark hadn't asked him to be his boyfriend yet. To some people it might seem selfish, but Haechan couldn't stand waiting anymore. He was used so many times, he somewhat had to made sure that mark was taking this seriously, because Haechan had never liked someone as much as he likes mark, and it's scaring him.

Even though Haechan said it so silently, mark still heard him.

Mark softly chuckled,

"Oh Hyuckie, I was planning a whole beautiful confession but if you ask me like this I don't have any other option"

"You see, when I first met you, I thought there wasn't any possibility of you being human. You were way to ethereal to be a simple and normal human. But besides the physical attraction, everything that night wanted me to be closer to you. You were there, acting so careless and free, i couldn't help but to admire you" mark grabbed Haechan's hand again, bringing him closer.

"Thank god I had the guts to ask you out that day, or I'd have lost the chance to meet the love of my life"

"With you, I'm able to be myself without anyone judging me, with you, I'm able to be free, I'm able to feel happy"

"If you hadn't entered my life with that beautiful smile of yours, I don't know what I would've done with my life. Because now that I met you, I can't see myself living without you anymore"

"So, Lee Donghyuck, can you make me the honors and be my boyfriend?"

(A/N): Markhyuck makes me soft af
I gotta finish writing this

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