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"Gaeul, Jaemin keeps on asking me to see Jeno.... Can't we let them see each other?"

"No is no Minyoung..... Jeno has to recover first"

"Mommy? Why can't I see Jeno? The last time I saw him was years ago..." the now older Jaemin asked.

"I'm not allowed to tell you that" Minyoung sighed as she walked into her room.

Well, Gaeul doesn't want Jeno to see anyone besides her at this moment.
After Minyoung saved them and gave them a place to stay, Gaeul found a decent work and made enough money to bring Jeno to a doctor. Because Jeno didn't talk to anyone besides her. She tried to make him have friends, but he wouldn't say a word. And that obviously worried her.

The doctor had said that Jeno was diagnosed with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) because of working at such a young age, and getting forced to do such hard works and never getting to interact with someone else besides his mom. That blocked him to talk with someone else.

And that's when Gaeul decided that she wouldn't let anyone near her son, even if it would mean him never getting a childhood like everyone else, but honestly he lost that way before.

(A/N): I don't really know how PTSD works, I've made researches, and I understood that it could be caused by many different things. I have a friend, who was diagnosed with it. And I hope for all those people to go on with their life, living happily and being able to heal as soon as possible, I know it's hard, but if you try enough you'll get through it, I belive in you!

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