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The next day, Jeno woke up feeling destroyed

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The next day, Jeno woke up feeling destroyed. He definitely slept less than 3 hours, he had big fat eye bags, and his body hurt in every way possible.

Thinking back about the events of the day before, he thought about the way what his mother had told him, made no sense.

Gaeul is a very smart woman, and she usually doesn't judge people based on their family's or appearance's.

And Jeno knew, he knew there was something more to it. And he planned on finding out what. But not now, because he suddenly remembered he still had to go to school, and somewhat avoid Jaemin.

He didn't want at all, but Jeno couldn't risk it. He didn't fear going away and leaving everyone behind, what he feared the most was his mother hurting Jaemin in any type of way. Emotionally or physically.

Jeno sighed, as he took out a random outfit and put it on, as he went to the bathroom to clean his face up and brush his teeth.

mark, please, look over Jaemin for me?

Why? What happened?

she happened 

fuck, are you okay?

Mark fortunately had understood directly what  his brother meant, and he felt extremely bad for jeno.

no. I'm not
But please, if he asks why I'm ignoring him, tell him just I don't feel alright or just come up with an excuse

Why can't you just tell him?

I can't tell you.
Just know that if she sees us together, it's the end.

Another small tear escaped jeno's eye, as he put his phone in the pocket of his jacket and started making his way to school.

On his way to school, he found a strange looking boy. He couldn't really see the boy's face because he was turned with his back to jeno.

"Hey? Are you alright?" Jeno questioned, as he put his hand on the boys shoulder.

"Uh-h yeah-" the boy turned around, shocking the both of them.

"Shotaro? Oh my god are you alright?" Shotaro and Jeno had met a long time ago, when they visited Japan for one of his mothers 'work trips'. They became friends as soon as they met and became close, even though shotaro's Korean wasn't really the best.

"What are you doing here in Korea? I thought your parents hated it here?"

"Jeno!!! Heyyy well, I wanted to Pursue my career here, so I moved here alone!" Shotaro smiled after quickly wiping his tears.

"Why were you crying?" Jeno was now worried for the younger.

"N-nothing" Shotaro stuttered, shyly looking down.

"You know you can tell me anything right? But I won't pressure you. Now, I really gotta go I have school, don't forget to text me" Jeno quickly said, running away.

30 minutes earlier

"Shotaro..... I have to tell you something" a male voice spoke into the phone.

"What is it love?" Shotaro happily answered the phone, very happy that his boyfriend had called.

"I don't think we can go on"

"W-what do you mean?" The Japanese's shaky voice questioned.

"We should break up" and that's when Shotaro broke down crying.

"W-what? I don't u-understand why! w-why s-so sudden?" His voice was weak, helpless. He just couldn't understand why.

"I don't love you like I used to before, I'm sorry" saying this, the boy on the other line mercilessly closed the line, leaving his now-ex-Boyfriend even more speechless than before.

Shotaro just cried. Standing there in the middle of the street, with a broken heart.

And then, he heard someone calling and touching his shoulder.

(A/N): Hope y'all are doing alright, seeing the situation with Ukraine,

If Putin decides to bomb them with a nuclear bomb, I'm gone for good including Europe. Hope y'all stay safe, Especially who lives in Europe

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