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The moms of the boys had arrived 10 minutes later, now chatting, more like gossiping, with Minyoung

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The moms of the boys had arrived 10 minutes later, now chatting, more like gossiping, with Minyoung.

"Mom! Are we waiting for someone else?" Jaemin questioned, as he heard the doorbell. Everyone besides Auntie and Uncle had already arrived, but uncle had texted them saying they'll be late because of traffic.

"Uhh yeah son! I'm going" Minyoung quickly stood up, going straight to the door.


And the two women hugged, they've seen each other some years ago for the last time.

"Here, please come in! Oh my god Jeno! You've grown so much! Oh and you must be Mark! It's a pleasure to meet you" the woman smiled.

Jaemin was more than just shocked. The Lee Jeno was here??? Was he hallucinating? And looking like a god? Jaemin couldn't continue his thoughts as someone screamed.

Taeyong, a distant cousin of Jaemin, had a big dragonfly in his hands, chasing Haechan with it.

"Taeyong hyung! Aren't you supposed to be the adult? Please take that away" Jaemin said, Haechan was still hiding behind Jaemin.

Jaemin then suddenly wondered why it was so silent, everyone was watching them. Including the new guests.

'Embarassing' Jaemin thought.

"Hehe! Nothing happened you can continue with what you were doing" Haechan awkwardly smiled, taking Jaemin with him to the kitchen.

"OKAY! First that was Embarrassing as fuck, second, who are those people?" Haechan was referring the recently arrived guests.

"Umm, you remember the Jeno I talked to you about? Yeah that was him" Jaemin scratched his neck.

"Shit bitch you found yourself a good one" The brunette (Haechan) commented.

"Oh my god shut the fuck up! I do not like him, I don't even know him? The last time I saw him was 5 years ago, he definitely changed since I last saw him" Jaemin reasoned.

"Yeah yeah" Haechan then took jaemins arm and brought him back to the living room, when they for the last time (hopefully) heard the doorbell ring.

Minyoung then went and opened the door, revealing two teenagers and two adults.

"Jisung!" "Haechan!" "Felix!" "Jaemin!"

Pure chaos.

They all screeched like a 13 year old girls talking about her crush, as they ran to each other and hugged.

"Their so weird it scares me too" Minyoung commented, hugging her sister afterwards.

"No you don't understand, Felix and Jisung wouldn't stop talking about seeing them again" Mrs. Han chuckled.

Gaeul, was now having a conversation with 'the mommas' while Jeno and Mark were just observing.

"Is that him?" Mark pointed to the light brown haired male, Jaemin, who was talking to the boys.

"Yeah, that's Na Jaemin" Jeno continued observing the younger, he had changed so much, he was much taller, probably his own height, he had died his hair, who was now a lighter color than before, and his voice went so deep, it sounded like music to jeno's ears. They constructed a bond in such a short time, Jeno could never forget him. The person that saved him.

(A/N): sexy

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