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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

"Okay but where the hell did Jaemin go?" Haechan, who had noticed that Jaemin still hadn't returned, asked

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"Okay but where the hell did Jaemin go?" Haechan, who had noticed that Jaemin still hadn't returned, asked.

"I have no Id- oh wait he's calling me" Jeno said, as he answered the call and put his phone near his ear.

"Sorry! I found renjun and talked to him! Everything's alright now, can he come with me?" Jaemin spoke.

"Guys is it okay if renjun comes? Jaemin said everything's okay now" everyone agreed, because they didn't have any place to decide anything, because it wasn't about them in the first place.

"It's okay nana" Jeno softly said in the phone.

Jaemin then said an 'okay see you soon' a she hung up, leaving Jeno's phone on his lock screen, who casually was a picture of him and Jaemin together.

"Just ask him to be your boyfriend? What's stopping you?" No one. Really no one had understood why Jeno was still hesitating.

"I-" Jeno started, but he got interrupted by Haechan.

"Is it because you have homophobic parents?"

"No, it's not that" Jeno sighed.

"Then what is it? I don't understand" Haechan was getting really frustrated. He didn't want to force them, but seeing how happy they were with each other he didn't understand why they weren't together.

"It's- it's a long story" Jeno hung his head low.

Mark then proceeded to pat jeno's back, and to send a signal to Haechan that it was enough now.

"Hey guys!" Jaemin saluted, sitting down and bringing renjun down with him.

"We talked it out and everything's alright!" Jaemin smiled, but renjun was still hanging his head low.

"I-I'm Sorry for saying things I shouldn't h-have, I g-got caught up I-in memories" Renjun fiddled with his fingers, he had a feeling he'd start crying again if someone didn't say anything.

"It's okay injun, but please speak more carefully next time" Haechan softly smiled, going to renjun to hug him.

"I'm sorry" renjun said one last time, as he hugged Haechan back, and all the others joined too.

(A/N): a storm is coming (?)


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