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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

"What did I do to deserve this? Does he hate me? Did I do something wrong?" Jaemin started ranting to donghyuck as soon as they met up, the older claimed that they needed to talk

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"What did I do to deserve this? Does he hate me? Did I do something wrong?" Jaemin started ranting to donghyuck as soon as they met up, the older claimed that they needed to talk.

"Hey, don't say that! He'd never hate you and you yourself know it. He probably has something going on and he needs time alone" He tried to console his friend.

"But he isn't even answering my texts! And he ran away when we made eye contact yesterday" Jaemin was on the verge of tears. Was it his fault?

"Why don't you try talking to him in private or at least make him tell you why he's ignoring you"

"Does it look like I haven't tried it already?" Jaemin scoffed.

"Should I try talking with mark? Maybe he knows something" Donghyuck suggested.

"I don't want to involve him. This is something between me and Jeno" the older noticed the way Jaemin became determined, and he was honestly a bit scared.

"What are you going to go?"


"I'm going to him right now"


Jaemin was nearly there. He saw jeno's house as he started to speed up.

He was determined to find out what was going on with Jeno.

Even though there's a 50% of something bad happening, he still had to go.

He felt like shit without Jeno. He started to lose self confidence because jeno always complimented him, even when he looked like shit. He started being unhappy, because the older wasn't with him. The cause of his constant happiness wasn't next to him, and it hurt damn did it hurt.

And he had to understand what jeno's look meant from the other day. Jaemin had noticed the way jeno's eyes were teary before he ran away.

So when he was in front of jeno's door, he rang the bell without one single regret.

Jeno wiped his cheeks once he heard the doorbell ring. Who could it be? He wasn't expecting anyone. He just hoped that it wasn't his mother.

"Jaemin?" Jeno's red eyes were wide as he stared at the youngers appearance right in front of him.


"W-what are y-you doing here" the older questioned, he was going to start crying again.

"Really Jeno? You've been ignoring me since weeks and you expect me to do nothing about it and just watch you break our relationship?" Jaemin scoffed. Was Jeno being for real now?

"I-I'm sorry" Jeno cried.

"A sorry isn't going to solve anything"

"I'm giving you a chance to explain, If you give this one up... then... t-then I guess this is really ending" Jaemin let out a dry chuckle.

"I-i... l-let's go inside?" Jeno offered. He had to do it properly.


Once they had sat down on the couch, Jaemin noticed that Jeno must've been not sleeping because the season 5 of arrow had been playing on the TV, and there's food that's laying literally everywhere.

Jaemin waited for 5 whole minutes and Jeno still hadn't started talking, he sighed.

"J-Jaem" a tear escaped jeno's eye.

And then Jaemin knew. He knew

"We c-can't do this anymore I'm sorry"

And just like that, two hearts got broken.

All because of a mess that their parents had created in high school.

All because of a past mistake

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