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"No because you should definitely become a cook" In jeno's opinion, jaemin's cooking skills were on another level

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"No because you should definitely become a cook" In jeno's opinion, jaemin's cooking skills were on another level.

"It's more like a hobby, I like dancing more" Jaemin chuckled, he had been dancing since practically his whole life. And another one of his passions was photography, and sports.

"You Dance?" Jeno's eyes widened.

"Mhm, I've started dancing at the age of 5" the younger remembered how he'd run around the house dancing and singing along to pure musical hits.

"I dance too"

"REALLY?" Jaemin was startled. The only friend he had that danced was Jisung, he's been trying to convince Haechan since eternities but he just won't give in.

"Yup, I'm going to Korea National University of Arts next month when it's about to start, I'm a dance and rap major"

"AINT NO WAY?" Jaemin couldn't belive what the Older was saying.

"So we're literally going to the same school, majoring in the same things???" Jaemin chocked on his pasta, clearly shocked.

"Wait, are you serious?" Jeno now, was shocked too.

"Yes! Literally my whole friendgroup is going there next month!" Jaemin chuckled in disbelief, the world really wanted them together.

"It's destiny then" Jeno looked into Jaemin's eyes, and in that moment, he knew. He knew that Jaemin was the person he wanted to spend his whole life with. The person who he wanted to age with, the person he wanted to love until the last. The person he wanted to cherish forever. The person he wanted to protect at all costs. The person he wanted to hold forever. He had finally found his other half, and he knew he would never let him go.

"I have to go now" they both had finished eating, and Jeno was just helping Jaemin clean up the last things.

"yeah" Jaemin sadly agreed. He didn't want the older to go, they had so much fun.

"Hey Nana?"

"Yes Nono?" And they Both bursted out laughing, both finding the other utterly adorable.

"Can we do this again?" Jeno said, hoping the other had enjoyed it as much as he did.

"Of course Nono, anytime" Jaemin smiled, as Jeno slowly started to walk away.

"Wait!" Jaemin shouted, grabbing jeno's arm.

"You forgot something"

"What?" Jeno didn't recall bringing anything else with him.

"This" and then Jaemin kissed his cheek, running inside the house as quickly as he could.

Leaving a blushing and surprised Jeno behind.

(A/N): school is stressing me out

I only have 2 chapters to write and this story will be ended.... Kinda sad :(

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