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* ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧ *

"Jeno!" "Jaemin!"

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"Jeno!" "Jaemin!"

They both started to laugh, finding the situation funny. Jaemin's face was full of flour, while Jeno had it all on his clothes.

It all had started off with some teasing, somewhat ended with the whole kitchen being a whole disaster.

"Ughh now I gotta clean" Jaemin whined, he had fun but that doesn't last long.

"I'll help you you dummy, we made this together" Jeno chuckled, starting to pick up the shells of the eggs they had used for the pancakes and throwing them away.

"And hey, the pancakes at least came out great"

Jaemin scoffed, "of course they did! I cooked them!"

The older rolled his eyes, smiling at the youngers antics. He had to say the truth, Jaemin was damn good at cooking, even better than his mom, but you didn't hear that from him.

After at least an hour and half of cleaning and joking around, the two boys were strained, cleaning was definitely hard.

"When do you have to go?" Jaemin asked the older.

'Hopefully never' Jeno thought, even though he knew perfectly that he had to go back. His mother probably is worried about him, he never texted her yesterday. And he didn't want to get caught with Jaemin. Jeno is somehow convinced that his mother isn't very fond of Jaemin, she didn't even tell him hi at the party.

"Probably soon" Jeno pouted.

"Do you want to take lunch together before going or is it already late?" The light brown haired boy asked.

"I'll gladly have lunch with you Jaemin, but one condition" Jeno crossed his arms, staring at Jaemin with a smirk on his face.

"You cook" Jeno demanded


"Don't worry I'll leave you alone, but damn you know how to cook so pleaseeee" Jeno whined like a little baby, holding onto jaemins arm and shaking it.

"Fine. Do you have any allergies?" Jaemin didn't want Jeno to feel sick, so he asked.

"Nah only cats allergy, nothing else"

"Didn't you tell me yesterday that cats were your favorite animals?" Jaemin asked, recalling the game they played yesterday.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean that I'm allowed to have one" Jaemin nodded, feeling bad for the older.

"C'mon now, go cook I'll search something to watch" the younger hummed in agreement as he walked over to the kitchen and started taking out the ingredients he needed. He wanted to do just a simple pasta with carbonara.

"Nana? Where are the utensils? I'll get the table ready" Jeno searched around.

"Don't worry, I'll do that you go relax"

"I want to helpppp pleaseeeee"

"Will you stop with those puppy eyes? I can't resist them" Jaemin whined, showing Jeno where the needed things were.

"That's what they're for Nana"

"By the way, why do you keep calling me nana?" Jaemin tried to remember where he heard it from before, but he had no idea.

"You don't remember?" Jeno faked being hurt, he couldn't blame Jaemin for not remembering, it was at least 12 years ago.

(One day after Jeno was brought to jaemins house in 2007)

"Jenooo! Come on let's play!" Jeno didn't utter a word, not even one single sound, he just played with the little Jaemin, but not talking. Yet Jaemin didn't mind. He found Jeno cute.

"Can I give you a nickname?" Jaemin suddenly asked, Jeno cocking his head to the side, not knowing what a nickname is.

"Like mine is Nana! I gave it to myself! You can call me that!" Jaemin chuckled, finding the younger adorable, while hugging him.

"I'll call you Nono!"

"Nana? Nono?"
Those were the first words Jeno had uttered, he didn't even talk to his mom, yet to Jaemin it was all different. Jaemin was different.

End of flashback

"Nono?" Jaemin now had remembered, chuckling at the story of two cute little boys.

"Your Nono"

(A/N): hi again

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